. 2.: .. .4 2. ?3.54 1? 11.7?: .0911 . .2. 0:in: II. ..IEJ 3 . gt.- .Illtlau !$151? .. I. . Java. 5' mi 5323.: .30. . a! 3.. dinJ4: 52.5.14: 15:33. 1.1.: 5333 .. . 441 In It}: . i. luau-9.. s. - 4. 3.5.5433! 5 in; .m .1 .221 4.159. .51. an! 45.33. 41.93.: xx. 5 . (13.2.16? #32. an! this? 4403. 6.1.1.. ?.36 ?4.41. 3.. 4 in (555 5.713 353 ?5.59 a Ewan: Em Em? .9156 92 5a min wag 5 5a 526. bra-mm .m Suit? 4593a :33 En 35?an .m Raga?, H. .13 un bu .HH. .- 5n main 8 3:52. ?331. "a $05.9. u. a: Gm FOE ?mm?m t? mpmezma?w?a .g d, m- ?mum Mrs-6mm in? .r . ?mm anagram 5qu . U- Em 3 an 03$ a rd! nun. WI. mg." mg? win En Unimat. Om 25 a is Earn 4.15.5 .33 ME 03. .r ?In? 4 SALVATION OF MAN -4 5 ?or I hurt at ru?k?mrhm ?through ?he the: 36Salvation It is racer-ed 1-, G3: {Lit toward the on! Jesus the washing, r: gm?. rem-=2: of the Holy (iI-nd hang completely ?31.533 ?y 53;: 2-77.; an heir of (rod according to the hripe of eraTitus 2 ll. 3 5-3 The Evidence of Salvation The rm. ard rude-Ice oft-1:413: re when: ofthe (Rom 8. lb! The outward rode-rice to 121 "we" :5 a righteousness and true holiness. tEph .1 24,7315 2 WHAT TO EXPECT Enrolling your child tn mole of Hope Girls' Ranch IS very likely one of the :ne ?1 3315:; Lungs uni! ever have to do. Do you remember the hopes and dreams you had for your child ?he: the} were .s: . toddler" You wanted so much for them back then. just as you still do. But secret-.2; has 'rapxztei 531:: thou: el'ly days that was not a part of those hopes and dreams. Somewhere along the in} 1.53: . you care so much about began to make some unwise choices and began to exhibit rater-.11.: and. s; . problems that have caused your heart to drop in sorrow. Circle of Hope Girls? Ranch may seem like the last hope for a change in your child's as} oft-sale? and living. Now you have decided to pack up some of their belongings. move them out of your home. a: place them in an environment that will be strange to them. This tears at your emotions and. in fact. hm your heart. Yet, you know down deep that it must be done if you are ever to realize the dreams you on dearly held for your child- Circle of Hope Girls' Ranch recognizes how closely each child enrolled corresponds to a story v: similar to yours. Each student is a precious child that a mother and father care very much about and it. taken heartbreaking measures to ensure that their child get a second chance. The parents care enough they are willing to spend considerable sums of money and separate themselves from their child until. in :1 heart; they feel the same toward her life and future as their parents do. More than likely, your child does not like the idea of leaving home anymore than you do. They afraid of leaving the security they have always felt, and they don?t look tbnvard to meeting strange he in a place far from home. Nor do they want to leave behind their old friends. When the} arrix r: at t?irc HOpe Girls' Ranch, they will soon find that they must follow directions. Your child will learn to authority. They will have to wear different clothing than before. Your child will be required to ex: good manners. This, along with the new environment and the different peer pressure. it ill beg change their behavior. Within just a few weeks they will seem like a di?emnt child. Your child a ill .t to be totally changed from the person they were before arriving at Circle of Hope Girls" Ranch. It is on that within just a short time your child will gain a new vision and goal concerning education and so they are important. They will begin to see that a good education and a close relationship ?11? th change the way they feel about their future, their family and themselves. if you were to come visit them Ill that tune. you would he delighted and probably satis?ed with the lord you haul in make when you chose to bring them to (Tircle of lope (iirls' Ranch. And when you llii't'c the to make your ?rst visit. you will fully understand this phenomenon. it seems to happen "h This Is why are providing yoti with this short chronicle on the subject. Parents. by a (ind-given nature. love their children and want to be near them. it is understandabtg ll'tal When a panel" sees their child for the ?rst little in several months, that parent is Ftlicd with a tremendous amount ol?joyt?ul emotion. During the ?rst visit you will be overwhelmed by the changes you might see in your child. They will treat you the way they did as a younger child. You will enjoy talking and Spending time together. You'll be pleased with their appearance and their behavior. You'll think it is like heaven! Please keep one very important thing in mind at this time, Circle of Hope can easily change your outward appearance in a very short time. We can train them to behave in a proper, acceptabtc have not been able to impress a child enough to change their heart. If their heart remains unchanged, the outward appearance is a not a true reflection oftheir ?real self.? The Bible says. ?as he in her hean? Ttme after time we have witnessed the circumstance of very loving parents coming to visit their Child and assuming from their behavior and appearance, some miracle has taken place and they are ready to return home. We are fully aware ofthe strong desire you have as a parent to have your child back home, We must warn you now: You will want to take her home after the ?rst visit, but please believe us when we say that we'll know when her heart has changed. and we'll tell you when it is time for her to leave us and return to the home in which she longs to be. Until then, please do not even discuss the subject with her - it will only make things more dif?cult than they already are. Please cooperate with us. If you can?t, it would be better not to ask for our help in educating your child. 11': very discouraging to see a parent withdrew their child before we have helped her to make the real Change that is needed in her heart, knowing she will retum to the way she was prior to coming here for help. All of our efforts may have been for naught in the areas of education, self-worth. and a personal relationship In conclusion. we sympathize with your desire to have your child back home soon. You would not be a loving parent if this were not your desire. But when you come to visit your child, remember these words and be strong: You are doing this for your child?s sake. discussmn sumnrinze ircle of Ho I 1} 5 your ?naneial obligations connected with enrolling . - presentei mm. in some detail to avoid . and linanclal rc?mmuhilmcq "my misunderstanding regarding payment of fees Application Fee: $15.00 {See procedure for further explanation.) Ti 52?. 600. 00 enrollment period is $27,000. This may be paid on a scheduled per month over a 24-month period. The eoniprehen sive fee for the has is at the rate ofSl .l 50.00 ENROLLMENT FEE the time of registration. ool supplies {which will '5 required from home.) The school unifonn is $300.00, due upon arrival. MEDICAL COSTS All medical expenses are the full responsibility of the parents. REIMB URSEMEN 1? words, allfunds are NON-refundable. THE FIRST STEP I 3 atom 111C step In E?mill?g In IICIC IS ID ICQUCSI an and 'hethet' the c'mH . -5 a (human be make as to v? 7 com lction of an application and . u. will be ianirclc of Hope "Boarding School AM lrcarton ee 0 $5.00 the decimation If the student is accepted. will be made to ?onpjf or?: m- I i I I schools Admission and grade placement are enlirel).r Wilhln the discretion of tra Hope. POLICIES FOR ADMISSION Enrollment Term The minimum enrollment term for Circle of Hope "Boarding School" is 24 months. Medical coverage is a must. Each student ap plication should include medical proof that the child has tested negative for Tuberculosis within the past 6 onths. A physical exam should be conducted annually. Eyes If your child wears glasses, please send an extra pair or the prescription for them. This will save time. Prescription Drugs Circle of Hope does not admit students who are consuming behavior modi?cation drugs. Church/Chapel Attendance All students of Circle of Hope are re uired to atte - . Hope administration. Your child or a Chmehapel services required by ill receive Biblical Instruction daily. TRANSFER OF Inn ?c Will at I ?trt'li: of ?uric Hintnl iln tint recon a transcript from sent to its by "Hill the school administration hen a student in a nnlten request for a transcript and mo is ill be responsible for getting an Irma-erupt. the transcript not region cation. t' and oversight over 1pc Ranc nt diplomas. individ policies. What this means nt or graduate come go. or university. ally accredited. yet ircle of Hope is a ministry will the academic aspects of Boarding School to ital public school Circle of the Miss-nun oflidu against government control Mimun does not moire (?ircle of ?l In order to operate or gra universities establish their own admissions require that a private Christian school stude to be eligible for admission into a public school. colle authority to impose such a requirement. While most 0 C?hnstiim schools. some do not. requiring the student to undergo courses. Because we have no control over the policies adopted by pu universities. we cannot make any guarantee for graduates of Circle of Ho college or transfer of our credits back into the public school system. Pare check with their local school districts or colleges in which their children arding admissions and transferring ere particular policies are reg credits. dits. Thi Any student grade of ?incomplete" in all subjects. 1. Procedure for returning home is initiated when 2. 5 she is ready to return A. The student feel B. Both parents feel the student is ready to for the student to return home. C. The Circle of Hepe Administrator feels the stud ya at Circle of Hope for a minimum of two years. D. The student sta DIAGNOSTIC TESTING the Learning Center. she will be gi here the studen to be ?lled. We will When a student enters Studies and Science. These tests will determine Usually a student will have ?learning gaps? that nee student can continue at her grade level. the in: ?I'll - ll ('ircle of Hope ?(limit sincerely held religious comictionq our institution While the Stator-31' nhtain any state or rcgn-unat is that. form an accred those individual schools gladly accept additional testin blic high school. colleg removed prior to completing the withd L'U'l'll.h.l their turmcr ?pnn receipt lhe ng School is registered with districts. colleges, and although any state law does not ited Christian school in om.? ools do have the students from unaccredited or retake core subject es and pe with regard to admission into are encouraged to personally are interested to find out what their 5 mainly pertains to High School rawal procedure will receive a the following occur: ome. return home and the parents are ready cut is ready to return home. ven diagnostic test in Math. English. Social is placed in each academic subject. fill these ?gaps? and then the n! Ilnpr lmmnimll Fir-howl nf ?new?? ?c are a nr'e'mr. waxed "hum-?curriculum m, Ihr engage Jar-m: atrermnu-n an? 1mm: [magi and can Mnemrzn manag. mm'ng. and wsc'nary "h Phil: 1' N-I [?gag? ilL?IW?lm-q ?Huge. I fur?n? "rat The (.f-zzd may an I mricmanr: "my I ml?lmimg, Iml [ml Immcal In. ?aming ll' Io'niir! [ill I?Imhm mm in Illf'llidlng. Inn Im'nled lu' thinning. Imrl In ??11 1 [I'I?'l'jfl mamtnnar. my: Ihl: Inlrl my? mluar] and ?Hf? tarmac. I-?lt?tf?? and .racmimg in Har hushmulIr/ mul 1.3m nf 9H wah animals I undersignd [hat am. ?he; Frigagrd In by Iht 1' hllri mnjumlmn mu. m: ngrum wnlam an inherent mar of raw. or an) 1r; 1 mil hrIM harmlr?ss and I I: HIPIU II P-HIJ 11.5 agents and lur any ul harm Hum; qul'fmd hi "lid engaging 311?} antennas mnjumurm mill Ihr- l'mgmm ?It" 2'4 mm" animals. and paniril? (undo Ilmmr Hull 94 100% A Ilulmr [lull II 0 Wu II Illmm Mull ?ll-91% 30 ?Va I School (flanuruum l?ollclen Mirlt I No demerits per day 2 Scuptun' Menu]: 5 Passed [esl 5 00?n an 'I'rsl. . . 5 Speech said with "Spunk!" 0 Hum! dretls {as dctel'nuncd by PI incipal) DEMERIT SITUATIUNS permission is renewed. melt emit um! thmm-H ieumg out with: mthmit till?t?l ?heir ?nulent t1 it-sl 2. lenung tit .1. l?nnd think into the eninlnu 'ettlet 4. l'nllung the ?entei ithmn S. l?tistnt-linnee in the tanning ?entei 0. Chair letl out. t'hnit' must he pushed in unit tum-hing thunk lmptoper star chart or gonl ennl Going to the soon: stntion itli peneil Ut' einsei F4 9. Improper scoring ptoeetlmes. l0. Extra red marking in l?AL?li. ll. Score keys or red pen not l?CPitlL?Cd piuperlti 12. Leaning hack in chair, earn automatic detention time according to the nature oi the nl?l?ense: B. Violations which may PACE work or Tcsl. Cheating on It the supervisor. Arguing wit Stealing. Physical contact. Homework Students not ?nishing their assigned goals are given time to work on them during l'ree time on the weekday and weekends. 9 a MINIMUM momentum-s eon passmc ens-rs Students must score 90% on all ore-tests {self-tests) and 30% on all tests accom lush stodLnt Iwrll go on to the next PACE. When a student fails a test, she will need to redo the entire . . v. Ill be issued to the student at a cost per PACE. Broken ?ags will cost $2.00. These items will be charLAg'E In her personal account. Boarding School Policies At Circle of Hope Boarding School we are. With the Holy Spirit?s help, trying to develop a sell?-dlsei 1 child who is submissive to the Word of God and the Will ofGod. We work with the student to help form good [him in the students. such as: Educational goal setting; A chcerl'ul obedience to authority; responsibility in doing ?15.51 in": or expected tasks; cooperation with others in work or play; courtesy and respect For others; cleanliness tt'l personEaf-ld There are certain rules that are necessary for ef?cient operation of the school. Every student attending Circle of Hope Boarding School must operate within the framework ot?the school?s rules and policies. House Conduct House rules are listed in each child?s sleeping area. Every student must become familiar with these rules and any rules that are added. All rules should be obeyed at all times. If one or more rules are broken. there will be a discipline for each broken rule. Clothing clothing is not allowed to be worn by our students. The required attire for students is supplied to the students by Circle of Hope. Jewelry Students will be allowed to wear one ring and earrings approved by the Administrator. No large hoop eanrings will be allowed Packages All packages shall be addressed to Circle of Hope Boarding School and include the student?s name. ADDRESS PACKAGES TO YOUR CHILD LIKE THIS: Circle of Hope Girls? Ranch (Student?s Name) 20285 Highway Humansville, MO 65764-8792 Please remember: never send food, candy, magazines, or items that contain alcohol, radios, television, handheld electrical games, etc., to a student. Items that are deemed inappropriate by the administration be sent back to the student?s home at the parent or guardian?s expense. IO as they like. Parents or guardians are approved by the LETTERS Students are encoura 11 they ?on I also welcome to write as rnuc as Administration offirc In order for the student a be he student Will not UR CHILD AS 0 the parent or gun HER NAME ON THE rdian 5' PLEASE ADD ONT OF THE ENV Your Name Address Circle of Hope Girls' Ranch (Student's Name) 20285 Highway Humansville. 064674-8792 TELEPHONE CALLS cy. students may receive calls from their parents or legal guardians after they have may call alter the student has been enrolled for 90 days. No phone agree with and support the parents' decision to ess their parents? love and Unless there is an emergen days. Approve been enrolled for 30 calls will be approved for anyone to hool. Unsupp send their child to our sc wisdom. who does not nt sad and second go (1 grandparents make a stude talk to a student ortive relatives om anybody who is receive a phone call every other week fr are the only days to talk to your child and e. the student ca day and Sundn When phone calls are acceptabl remember: Satur on the approved Call/Write List. Please the calls may be 15 minutes in len . ions must be in the English language only. unless hen calling your child: all conversat he following number \v he phone and tration. Use whispering on anch Adminis There will be no approved ?rst by Circle of Hope Girls' 417?754-1339 arents will be received at the following times: Saturday from 1:00 PM to 7:00 PM and M. these times are Central Time. ess it is an emergency. or with Phone calls from above will not be received unl Sunday from 2:00 PM to 4:30 an those listed 5' Ranch Administration. call on their bi pted for misbehavior. times other th ave been enrolled prior app le of Hape Girl Students are allowed to receive a 5 minute phon for 30 days. Phone privileges may be forfeited or interru Telephone calls a rthday, but only after they roval by the Circ 11 Circle of Hope?s Discipline Policy -F. ?Tn hf ?Almn'r' ?n inf??'l'l the mind.- ?0 PERSONAL ITEMS FOR THE STUDENT the student should have in their possession as they enroll at Circle of Hope The following list comprises what liedlwith as they stay here. Experience has shown that if a student does not Girls' Ranch. and what they should be supp have the following items. it will make their stay less enjoyable. Two things you should remember when sending personal items to your daughter: 1. Never send an item that contains alcohol. 2. Nothing can be sent in an aerosol or spray can form. Toothbrush Toothpaste Soap Shampoo 1 Comb 1 Brush 8 Pair of White Underwear Under garments as needed Gloves for winter 1 Heavy Coat for winter 1 Light Coat for Spring 1 Pair of Tennis Shoes 1 Pair of Dress Pumps 1 Pair of Work Boots 1 Pair of Slippers 2 Pair Nylons (13 or older) or Tights (12 and under) 8 Pair of White Socks 2 Long Slips 1 Long Night shirt 1 King James Bible Circle of Hape?s Discipline Policy In Noah Webster?s 1828 Dictionary, ?discipline" is de?ned as: ?To instruct or educate; to inform the mind: to prepare by instruction in correct principles and habits; as to. to discipline youth for a profession. or. for future usefulness." We believe that education should be more than learning and retaining a mass of facts and ?gures. It should be a process of growth that develops the whole person spiritually. mentally. and physically. Biblical discipline is essentially a character-building tool. It is concerned with developing the character of Christ in a person's life. Emphasis is placed on the development of individual Christian character traits such as neatness, orderliness, promptness, and courtesy. We try to develop a respect ibr authority and the rights of others and, therefore, Biblical discipline is exercised by applying appropriate justice. FORMS OF DISCIPLINE Following is a list of disciplines that are used to help each student: Push-ups (along with other exercises). writing, work detail. no talking. and time outs. These are used to help the student obey, not to punish them. ARENTAL VISITATION POLICY Visits for the visit 1' ?c SIUdcms by Part-?tits 5 PFC-arranged with th cgol guardians are wet . . con-ted . 1:215:35. or legal guardians may ?hgoizgngimstration at least two weeks in high: ??Bipiol?? Ranch. Provided inistration. All visits to Visit. All visits If anyone oth three monthsa are subject to the a ett at the part. pproval by the Circle of H0 PC TIMES: ASE NOTEmust he done In order. as been between visits. Visits must be at lea; [gatoeiitliirirpart IFIRST VISIT- After 3 months - ay or ess) visit is allowed for a stud out 5 ?rst VISII a?er 3 months This . visn is an on-eampus visit and RM. SECOND After 6 months is 1811 is allovi ed any time after months, and any time 3 riionths after the 3 month visit. This visit can be up to three days. She may leave the campus at 8:00 a.m. on school days. and 8:00 am. on Saturday and must 23:121. Wednesdays she must return by 5:30 pm. The student is not allowed off-cam us 1g 3 is time. The student Will be required to attend church. it you do not wish to attend your \Eisit will then start at 2:00 P.M. THIRD VISIT After 9 months This is a tounday viSit and is allowed a?er 9 months. This is an off~cariipus visit includina travel time Location of this may NOT be anywhere near the student?s home area or home state. Location must be approved by Circle of Hope?s Administration. All visits can be made ?On Campus Only Visits? if the parents or Circle of Hope Administration feel it necessary. FOURTH VISIT ?Alier 12 months This visit is allowed after 12 months and can be up to seven days in length. This visit must be some place 'ect to the student?s other than home, and approved by Circle of Hope Administration. This visit is also sub] behavior. She may have more frequent visits during the summer, but remember all visits are subject to the approval of the school administration. 8? FIFTH VISIT ?A ?ter l5 month udent has been with behavior at the time of the re at is Circle of Hepe for ?t?tee quest for the visit. PARENT . This visit is after the St months. The visit can be at home. subject to the student?s On-Campus Visitation Rules 30 Smoking on campus property 0 alcoholic beverages or beverages that are in a Christian boardln school I. 2. 3. No profanity or Ian . . guage that is deemed inappro 'ate. 1 4. Parents or visitors are not allowed in any buizdi?ng; dxiggdl? . the Circle of Hope Administration. 5' etc. f7" 5. Students are never to leave the campus property during an art-campus vis't 6. Parents 'or vlsnors should never counsel or visit with another student othefr'than permission lS given by the Circle of Hope Administration that cm?? mks; 7. Ladies and young ladies should always dress appropriately and modestly while on-earpus w?cut blouses or halter tops, or tops with Wig?'5- means: No shorts, short skirts, lo nd a modest dress for our visiting ladies. language or graphics. We recomme 8. Men and young men should also dress modestly; this means no shorts. tank tops or T-Sl'tirts w?w language or graphics. If a visitor or parent violates any of these oil-campus rules, they may be asked to leave the campus. Off?Campus Visitation Rules No theater movies; walk-ins or drive-ins, etc. No Rock, Rap, Country, or inappropriate music. I. 2. 3. No Smoking 4. No drinking alcohol or inappropriate beverages. 5. No immoral activity with the opposite sex. 6. Be careful what you watch on T.V. 7. Stay away from the wrong friends or people who are bad in?uences. 8. Students may not wear anything off campus that they would not be allowed to wear on campus They must wear approved skirts or dresses. 9. If you are going to have your student ?y out for a visit the following rules apply: a. They may NOT fly out or back on Wednesday or Sunday. We would prefer that your student to fly in/out ot?Springtield. MO (SGF), next would be h. Kansas City, MO with St. Louis, MO (STL) being the last resort. We must charge a fee to take them to the airport and to pick up from the airport. they C. be as follows: 1. Spring?eld, MO - $50.00 each way Kansas City, MO - $150.00 each way 2. 3. St. Louis, MO - $175.00 each way es not agree with and support the latives make the students sail and nship between a parent and your decision with what is child. Do not let sel?sh 0 visits will be approved for anyone who do Id to our school. Unsupportlve re ts? decision to send their chi . 5:31:81; guess their parents? love and wisdom. The of II: 3:33 - LORATED. ey cann their precmus child WILL NOT BE TO have any contact with th best for your child it would be-best if they not relatives destroy you precious child?s life. ATTENTION: 15 INTERFERENCE POLICY or a tumor that the Circle of Hope's Administration feels is interfering with a Any act by a parent, guardian. dent physically or mentally, gives the Circle of Hope the right to ask studen that progress or could cause harm to a stu person or person?s to leave the campus. PARENTS Parents should never talk 1 the student will go if they are placed of Hope's Administrator. 0 their child about when she will be leavin . 3 Circle of Hope Girls' Ranch somewhere other than Circle of Hope. This should only be discussed for theirialliri?igfs should nevgm try and interfere with the policies or rules of Circle of H0pe. These rules and poticies are 5 success an protection. If there is a question about a policy or rule do not ask 111dministrator of Circle of Hope Will be glad to answer any questions that you may have. I AILURE TO COMPLY WITH INTERFERENCE POLICIES OR RULES rules of Circle of Hepe, this may result in the ts or guardians will remove their child from the to comply with the policies 0 Ifa parent or guardian fail hool. Should expulsion occur, paren expulsion of their child from the sc school within forty-eight hours at their expense. TRUANCY POLICY or any other school activities without A student is considered truant when they do not attend classes permission. A student is also considered truant when they leave the campus grounds without permission. TRUANCY PROCEDURES The administration and staff are ?exible, but the general procedure followed whenever a student leaves the rmission, is as follows: campus without pe ately or as soon as possible. arents are notified immedi be noti?ed and a truant report will be ?led. personal belongings become the preperty of the school. ble for all damages done on and off Circle ot?Hope pro The student?s The sheriffwill All of the student?s Parents are responsi petty . to the circumstances surrounding each incident. This procedure may vary according ?Old Harmless Agreement for Student?s Actions: f'I-ll'ther consideration for Student being admitted into enrollment and for boarding at the School, and to the extent at such agreement does not void or make voidable any underlying insurance coverage which Second Party Carries ?Second-Party further agrees to hold the School and its agents. employees, and volunteers harmless from and to indemnify for, any and all liability, actions, causes of actions, claims, expenses, including attorneys fees and injury even injury resulting in death, or damages to a Third Party or her preperty which may arise in the future in connection With Student?s enrollment and boarding at the School and other associated activities as well as with the Student?s being absent from the School without authorization or approval from School of?cials. Non-Discriminatory Policy . Circle of: Hope Girls' Ranch and Boarding School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the r: ghts, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national, and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarships, loans, athletics, or administered programs. PLEDGES OF ALLEGIANCE The following pledges will be recited by the students each morning, during opening exercises. AMERICAN FLAG I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands; one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty, and justice for all. CHRISTIAN FLAG I pledge allegiance to the Christian ?ag and to the Savior for whose kingdom it stands; one Savior cruci?ed, risen, and coming again with life and liberty to all who believe. THE BIBLE I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God?s Holy Word. I will make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I will hide its words in my heart that I might not sin against Thee. CIYCIC of Hope Girls' Ranch and Boarding School 3mm, HOPE In young nuns ml mm i? 3294 25th Rd. Humansville. MO 65674 If Dim: fling) We, mholdu. Dj'l'flg-- lief Dale .v 4? NW NW. i 1 rom the Desk Bro. 3 Am'! (ind mm 10 .ir- \h "huh hirwuh"am Hope Lid-c>> .0 Hu- mm mummy W. 'i UiMcl <> mi hih-nri upon (\Ulmy lad hum and < uihv id ih hc [uni in Hmhuusw) and \o be used onum mold [hc girl: inh>> (iudh \nung 1m. mm mm (ion And (In [In ll "who; m} day i. :1 )nung ladmm, [rum in} disk 2 and 5d like. knou GOD mum 1mm- College and wk In: farm) life Ii amuzcs me lhal 5cm] becamc til the Iifcuyle may have chosen. hm when they ham a bum change and main in (inn |helr parcms gm upsul .inu \unl \h:m Iu rexhink \hcir duck bion to acne GOD and min}; abom secular ndjuhs war or No a Quad B|ble couege can do wonders fur a )0ung lady Think shim: I-Biblical Iralning 34200:} ('hrislmn Illr: 2 2-Chrisr-Hk: Aimmphere 4-May find me soul mu: lhin God has ror man (In February 24.2010 we had Ihe priuiege g0 Polcau. 0K Ihe girl ng and gm iheir leaunmnicx 2 I preached a message on (he Family and him Sam" mun l0 ileum) ii by turning mum: and dad: away imm 2' Biblical for (In: home, This In Iurn ha: helped 10 [um America {mm ('md The Parems or one arour young ladies I 1/2 hours to sec Ihcir dauglucr. They got to hear her imi- many and both accepted Christ as their Sm'imfl'. we have been praying for them far 2 1/2 yeais. Ain't GOD good! Our New Girls "um/ml Hr 1m mam1mm: um Mum, uluch 'm mm find "use" 'somrl I isdecnnu 5! 105mm 'Cren|c n. Mm ncnuvu on an ob - mm a problem '5 ,5 0n 1 and nugc hm M- need a [me hcan change cle of mm Em lhal no hem Im-y Is .r mm a arch and April Binhdays for - March 20 April"! - March 30 . '5 - Apr" \6 - Apr\\24 Prayer guests Primes Salvallon arm spinlua| Growth fur our youngladlcs . (m fiumcm mum for girls whose paruus cannol afiuvd m: Eu" ruruon and rndluduals "m suwun u: w: have been given lo purchase 25 acres mum In our vropfifly Several of our girls are facing dccisrens um afiecl umr allure lurure fi Trzum' and Lawn meu Wisdom as m: Minrsuy yuws PAR ENTAL VISITATION POLICY Visits to? the Visit is tha 0 the pare he Student 5 by parents 0 PFC-arranged Wi 983' guardians are welcomed - . lit the school administration at least two Fthrifts Ran?, - St 5 yanyone his or - fHope Ad . . egal guardians min aybcaorte - IStI?atIon_ All "am be three mgliihzi?lql-nml visrts are subject to the approval of the . a . VISITATION TIMES: PLEAS NOTE- AI - - - I visits - list he at least 3 months ?Ens! be do? order, no matter how long it has been betw . een visits. Visits . . 13$;er VISIT- After 3 months .. 655 visiti? .- . and the student hir 5 ??31 Visit. after 3 months. This visit is Frida)?. Saturday. and Sunda T: a lowed to leave the campus- We encourage this ?rsillit'olHampUS and 9:00 am. on Sunday Ydii Wi? Elsa begin at 9:00 am. on school days 900 a oltilgziilutijdeathen end Saturday at 6:00 requ'red 10 attend church. if you do not wish to attend. your visit SECOIJD VISIT- After 6 months dim: ??1.18 M): Inonthsa and any [me 3 months a?er the 3 month visit. This visit Saturday and must rety: e?t?ay leave the campus at 9:00 am. on school days. and 9:00 am. on allowed ff 111.2? '00 pm. Wednesdays she must return by 5:00 pm. The student is not 0 overnight at time. You will be required to attend church if on do not w'sht attend, your vrsu then end Saturday at 6:00 PM. 0 THIRD VISIT After 9 months This is a four day visit and is allowed after 9 months. This is an oft-campus visit including travel time. NOT be anywhere near the student?s home area or home state. Location must your visit includes a Sunday. you must attend a good church in the area of your visit. All visits Circle of Hope Administration feel it Location of this visit may be approved by Circle of Hope?s Administration. 1 church. The Administration will give you the name 0 can be made ?On Campus Only Visits" if the parents or necessary. FOURTH VISIT ?A?er 12 months . . . and can be up to seven days in length. must be some This visit is allowed after 12 month . . . . . . . place other than home, and approved by Circle of Hope Administration. it your VlSli includes a Sunday. you must attend church. The Administration will give you the name of a good church in the area (slug? 't This visit is also subject to the student?s behavior. She may have more frequent VISIIS the approval of the school administration. the summer, but remember all visits are subject to hs FIFTH VISIT -?A?er l5 mont - th This visit is after the Student has been Circle of Hope for fig?mlslas but is subject to the student?s behavior at the tune of the rcques The visit can be at home. (wt?ampus Visitation Rules acts unit start at and end at I?un?lth Ml km" "ii? res: I \o Savior-.5 a: campus property . . . . ., 3 \0 1ix\?h\?ih? crates or that Ill I. ?mu-m?tamrx or lanctuce that us deemed . . . Imus. kitchens. cu:? tree?s or nsttors so. not .tllo'oed Ill an} hm" for the Circle of Hope . ms isit o. Snakes :Ire net er to lease the campus during an ?i than child Parents or \isitors should new. er counsel or i. isit with another slut U1 .. . on Latte-m penntaetm ts enen t? the uncle ol Hops ?xdmumlmm I In alestls ultile on-cumPns . r. . .. Ht'tnt - 8. Ladies and boom: ladies should ulna)!? dm?i? i . . - 15 it." This means? \o shorts. short skirts. lou_?ut blouses or Hulk rr mph} \?ititihit Intuit-11orou 's . .. mum nd :1 modes maprvornatel} language or graphics. rcu. . . or 9- Men and 1tonne men should also dress modestly; this means no shorts. tank n. nith inappropriate language or graphics. Smdents may NOT use cell phones or computers. ll. Students are NOT allotted near schicles. - us. If a visibl- or parent violates any of these tin-campus rules. they may be asked to leave the camp Off-Campus Visitation Rules No theater movies: walk-ins or drive-ins. etc. No Rock. Rap. Country. or inappropriate music. No Smoking No drinking alcohol or inappropriate beverages. No immoral activity with the opposite sex. Be careful what you watch on T-V. Stay away ?om the wrong friends or people who are bad in?uences. Students may not wear anything off campus that they would not be allowed to wear on campus. They must wear approved skirts or dresses. 9. Students may not use cell phones or computers. It). If you are going to have your student ?y out for a visit the following rules apply: a. They may NOT fly out or back on Wednesday or Sunday. b. We would prefer that your student to ?y inlout of Springfield. MO next would be Kansas City. with St. Louis. MO (STL) being the last resort. We must charge a fee to take them to the airport and to pick up From the airport. they will be as follows: I. Spring?eld, MO $75.00 each way 2. Kansas City. MO - $175.00 each way 3. St. Louis, MO - $200.00 each way ?However C. ATTENTION: No visits will be approved for anyone who does not agree with and support the parents' decision to send their child to our school. Unsupportive relatives make the students sad and second guess their parents? love and wisdom. The destroying of the relationship between a parent and their precious child WILL NOT BE If they cannot support your decision with what is best for your child it would be best if they not have any contact with the child. Do not let sel?sh relatives destroy you precious child?s life. Jun?Eu :9 $9539. 5. 9.5. ?9.53 was: no 9?9?5 5. AGE-min. =1 and. mull?Bil - Fig 935 9% E. so wsAA A. EA .1509 at: 5.93 ..AA 9. 9H AA .5 9.4? -.AA.H. 325.355: A 7.39.. .. W519. AA 9.51.9. A. 33:? AA A. 5.3.:52. .3: A91. . ..J .4 JIM 93.4. gum. A: AA A AA. 95.5.9 9.15Virgin}. t/Arh. {f?fw I .. Air?aln ..AAIJLW. .A Hm: Schedule I linmn i301ici?eading .IUMS 11715 C-?h0r?es 11715 11745 fgeakt?as1??ClcaII-llp 0745 0845 0805: 0355 . School 0900 r050 ??45 l: HWW {If 1200 - 1250 i 1300 - 1545 PB 1545 - 1655 Supper&Clean?Up&Bathroom 1700 - 1750 Work Outside w/ - Prayer Group 1945 2000 nd - - - is: 13112512,? 131223;? 2000 - 2045 Eevotions 2100 - 2130 Preparing for Bed 2135 2245 Lights Out 2145 Saturday and Sunday 0700 Reveille Ora to I ow ?h is around and when staff is not around. army the rules when stalT Cmorlze the Books ofthc Bible in order- yemo?ze the House Rules. $.00 Word essay on why you were sent to Circle of Hope Girl?s Ranch ~00 word essay on what you need to do to change this behavior. Memorize the following: a. Pro. l5:3 b. Psalm l9: [4 c. Mark 7:20-23 Yellow Shirt to Pink Shirt 1. 250 word essay on Leadership 2. 250 word essay on why you should be promoted 3. Show good leadership qualities 4. Show she can be trusted- 5- Memorize the following: a- Psalm 40:1-4 b. Psalm 56:11-13 0. Pro. 16:16-21 Pink Shirt to Green Shirt 1. Be honest. 2. Show signs of Good Christian Character. 3. Show signs of being a good leader. 4. 300 word essay on why you should be a Green Shirt 5. 300 word essay on Good Christian Character 6. Memorize the following verses: a. Pro. 11:30 b. Rom. 3:10 c. Rom. 3:23 (1. Rom. 5:12 Rom. 6:23 . Rom. 5:8 g. Rom. 10:9-13 h. Philippians 4:8 i. Proverbs 3:4-7 j. Romans 12:1-2 \av?xor Orange Shirts mug Pri?? es Obi" the amborit} m?er them Desgens on Binhda) or if er Householde: sa\s so Called 1351 for- Va aLch the mo~ ie on max \2 night with Bro Househdder permission Io! arrv on conversations with Sta?, while evenone else is working. Anhnr (nrr 'hnvu Yellow Shirts Iitiu ages Obey the authority over you Dessert Called for Max not on needless cunvcm us with Sta?', while everyone else is working. Yellow Shirts To Be Busted l. lflhey are disrespectful to a staffmember, Pink shins, green shins or parents un phone call or visit. 2. Wrote up twice in one week for the same thing (A1 Administrator's discretion.) 3. Refusing to do as a stat? member, Purple Shirt, Green shin or Purple Shin instructs them to. (Follow Orders) ?hour-round pe Girl? Reslzon?bililics he?havu Mac; 0135); the authority over you May watch TV when it is on Supervise Pink 311? . . Irts? YBHOW Shirts May be allowed to go off on their own. unsupervised with permission. and Orange Shins dojobs to work, play or bathroom, etc. May be asked to help with chores lF May have photo albums and scrap other girls are busy doing other books things or If it would speed things up for a good reaSOn They get called 3'd for seconds on all meals and desserts. if available MAY SUPBrvise orange shirts. May Fast with Bro. House?s Door watch permission. Keep down stairs hallway clean by May stay up in room 2200? to usmg girls to get done read Bible, write letters, or just . reflect on what happened that day. it they are a room Captain. Make sure all cat litter is cleaned twnce a day, before school and before devotions Will get up 30 minutes before the other students and will get dressed and ready. everyone else is working: May not carry on needless conversations with Staff. whil Green Shirts To Be Busted call or visit. I. If a Green Shirt is disrespectful to a staff member or parents on phon At Administrator? 5 discretion.) 2. Wrote up twice in one week for the same thing. 3. Refusing to do as a staff member or Purple Shirt instructs them. (Follow Orders) on? .L?honn mm mm Swen '51: 4nd heir kllow Mum any ?'ill heir Chore$ MAY supenise 0mg: shim Doohuu?l Mak: sure all cal Iiucr is cleaned twice a day, before school and before devotions I?mniw Mn .iuum-n In ?n xii-ix .ii n, Ma) \vmch rv when i\ inn-.i .isx iur puiuussmu May have phom albums and sump books They sailed far secunds on all meals, ifnvailab a May Fast with Bro. House?s permission eve oneeise workin Ma not car an needles: conversations Pink Slum To Be Busted I. If they are to a staffmember, green shins or parems on phone ca? or visit. 2. Wrote up twice in one week for the same thing? Adminish'ator?s discre?on.) 3. Refusing to do as a staff member, Purple Shirl or Green shin instructs xhem (Fun Orders) 3 Lurnle Shirts the uulhorily over vou Supervise (ireen Shirts l?ink S'ltilt I i H. Shirts and Orange ?ihirl (1 MAY supervise orange shirts. Door watch Keep down stairs hallway clean by usmg girls to get done Make sure all cat litter is cleaned twice a day, before school and before devotions Will get up 30 minutes before the other students and will get dressed and ready. WINCH TV when it is on May be allowed to go off on their own, unsupervised with permission. to work. play or bathroom. CLU- May have photo albums and scrap books They get called 2"d for seconds on all meals and desserts. it available May Fast with Bro. House?s permission. May stay up in room until 2200. to read Bible, write letters, or just reflect on what happened that day. Gets day off every I weeks 3 Lurnle Shirts the uulhorily over vou Supervise (ireen Shirts l?ink S'ltilt I i H. Shirts and Orange ?ihirl (1 MAY supervise orange shirts. Door watch Keep down stairs hallway clean by usmg girls to get done Make sure all cat litter is cleaned twice a day, before school and before devotions Will get up 30 minutes before the other students and will get dressed and ready. WINCH TV when it is on May be allowed to go off on their own, unsupervised with permission. to work. play or bathroom. CLU- May have photo albums and scrap books They get called 2"d for seconds on all meals and desserts. it available May Fast with Bro. House?s permission. May stay up in room until 2200. to read Bible, write letters, or just reflect on what happened that day. Gets day off every I weeks