TALKING POINT ll-umxl' llIl \v\\rv September 24. 2020 Talking Is: Democrats Unveil package re Defend America From Trump's Abuses of Power; Continue Calls on Senate GOP to srep Bloeking covm Reliel the House Passed Four Months Ago Democrats unvell sweepl_ng Package to Protecl our Democracy slnoe taking ce Trump has led a ceaseless lo syslemahcally and shamelessly tear down |he ouardra Day aller day ne has plaoed own personal. pol cal interests above the nalmnal rnlerest erodlng transparency seeklng lo end enriching largelmg polrhcal opponenls. lorergn mlerlerence in our elecllons and apusrng lne power ol olnce Trump's assaull on norms and the rule ol law ls a stark remmder lhal democracy rs nol sellreflecluahrlg Aller walergale and lne abuses ol me lean Administrallon congress enacted a series ol landmark laws and relorrns to clean up government and prevent a Mule presidenl lrom apusrng lne power ol lhelr office we l| ls our respon to slrenglhen the bedrock ol our democracy and ensure our laws are enougn to a lawless pre denl That ls why. NIB week. led by our chalrs, House Democrats unvelled the our Democracy Act: a landmark. comprehenslve retorms package lhal combat the assaull on our democracy, prevent abuses by a tulure presldenl and slrengtnen our democracy lor generallons to come: . Prevents presldentlal abuses by the abuse ol the pardon power ensurmg lnal a presrdenl cannot 'run out the clock' in the couris break me law and strengthenlng penalties lor lederal nffimals who vlolale lne lorergn and domestic emolumenls clauses . Restores our system 01 checks and balances. and strengthens and lransparency py slrenglnenmg Congress's tools to enlorce subpoenas reasserilng Congress's power ol the purse preventing political rnterierence in Justice the independence ol lnspectors general strengthenlng congressional oversight ol emergency declarallons proteclmg over omelals and ensurlng political appointees don't escape lor Halcn Act yrola ions and . Prolects our electlons by thal campaigns report lorergn elloris lo rnterierence in our electrons and by ensurlng thal campaigns cannol make use ol cm on a political opponenl provided by a lorergn nalmnal relorrns package rs ready to go on day one and Dullds on the work that House Democrals have undenaken to root oul corrupllon expand volmg and protecllne rule ol law It to ensure our democracy carries on lor generallons to come, even ll congresslonal Republlcans retuse to am and Instead enable Ymmp's abuses and lhe eroelon o1 our democracy. Messa Guldance rrom Leader Schumer's omce on the ofJusllce a. The s_upreme Coun Vacancy .lustrce death leaves a vacancy on the supreme court 105! weeks lell belore a natronal electron that could result In a drllerent presrdent Tl'lls vacancy could determrne the future ol the supreme court tor generatmns' and make that touch every aspect ol'Amerlcan lrte . Health care: Amerrcans' to nealthcare hangs rn the balance Presldent Trump rs pursurng a lawsult would protectrons tor more than 130 Amerrcans send drug prrces soarrng tor senlors on Medrcare and np rnsurance away horn . Reproductlve Freedom A woman's lundamental' to make her own medrcal declslons. to control her own body her to choose 7 nangs rn tne balanoe . Labor ngms: The or workers to organrze and collectrvely bargaln tor larr wages hangs In the balance . cllmate Tne luture ol our planet protectrons and the possr lrty ol bold legrslatron to address cllmate change hang In the balanoe . Votlng Votrng and the or every Amencan to have a vorce rn our democracy nang ln the balance - mm to Unlonlze' The to [am a unron hangs In the balance . ne to marry who you love. hangs ln the balance These and more are at and the stakes ot electron and vacancy concern the luture ol the lundamental ol the Amencan people .lustrce told her lamrly that lt was her "most tervent that [she] not be replaced untrl a new bresrdent rs rnstalled The Senate has never canfirmed a nomrnee to the Supreme court close to a bresrdentral electron WIth 200.000 Beamielaubllcahs Conllnue to Block comma Rellet week, our natrbn passed the mrlestone ot 200'000 deaths from the ooronavrrus Nearly 7 Amerrcans have been rnl'ected. bl are lood rnsecure and tamrlres are taclng Democrats presented the solutloh to deteatlng the vlrus over tour months ago, when we passed the Heroes Act, retlects the needs or the Amerlcah people and allocates the resources to save llves and boost the economy. Vet Senate Republrcans contlnue to press the pause button, relusrng to pass the desperately needed relrel needed to address the massrve health and economrc Amerrca nepubllcans reject our call tor robust support tor state, local, trlbal and terrltorlal governments laorng the health and tlnanclal burden ol 9' sayrng that the states should lust go bankrupt, . nepubllcans and the Presldehl want to bully many schools lnto reopenlng belore rt rs sale to do so, endangerlng and educators and creatrng new vectors tortne vlrus to spread, . nepubllcans are lgnorlng the ot tood Insecurlly' zero tunds tor 7 even less than the lust $250,000 they proposed lor the who do not have enougn to eat a When expens estrmate tnat tens or are needed . nepubllcans are otterlhg a grossly $10 tor and lraclng' wnen say that at least $75 ls needed to crush the vrrus and sately reopen schools and the economy, . nepubllcans want to provlde tor rental leavlng stuck tnerr rent prle nlgner and nlgner no way to pay tnem. . nepubllcans are In the Presldehl's attacks on access to the ballot box, as they reluse to allocate the money needed to ensure that no one has to choose between tnerr nealtn and tnerr vote November House and Senate Democrats made clear we would be erIrng to cut a dollars from the Heroes Act ll the Whrte House would add to thelr rnadeduate otter. In order to meet ln the we have now sard we would be to go to $22 vi Senate Republlcans and the -- move tunher away lrom what ls needed. Even now. as the coronavlrus burns through our natlon, Presldenl Trump's fiepubllcan enablers In the Congress want to help to 'play It down.' lnstead tamtlles the scale or helpthat they really need. Tlme ls of the essence, and Republlcans must work Democrats to help save Ilves and Ilvellhoods now Trum Fans Ihe Flames cl Vlolence and Ametlca laces a devastatlng natlonal moment cl pan and heancreak. as deadly onses take melt crutal toll on our country rfrom raclal lmustlce and pollce crutallty. to the coronavlrus destroylng llves and llvellhoods, to lallures cl justice ln educatlon, jobs and the emnronment, Vet. Instead of taclng the tacts and heallng our natlon. Trump ls to sow chaos to trom talled spreadlng uslng and staklng and ln our communltles. Trump's behavlor has stoked deadly vlolence across Amerlca -- yet, agaln and agatn, he has been too weak to condemn the vlolence that he has encouraged. lncludlng at the hands ct own supporters. Trump has tanned the tlantes ct hate tor galn and retused to condemn vlolence trom own supporters. . Hrstop advrsors say that more vrolence and chaos help Trump . Trump delended one ol own supponers who murdered two protesters. . Trump has repeatedly encouraged supponers to travel across the country to protesters ln Ponland and Kenosha, peacetul protestors 'Ihugs' and they would be shot. Trump clalms to be the 'law and order' preSldenl, cut wnrle cnme tell underthe ObamarBlden rt rs under Trump and every day that he tn the wmte House, Amerlcahs are less safe. Amerlcans are less sale because of Trump's talled coronavlrus response. Under watch, Amerlca has had the worst coronavrrus outbreak tn the world. more deaths and cases than any other country by tar We have learned that Presrdent was lully aware ol the catastrophro nature ot the vrrus but the lacts and relused to take the threat senously. leavlhg our entrre country exposed and unmpated, Trump has putAmerlcans' health and economlc securtty on the black: - lnstead ol maklng health care more allordable, Trump Is In the Supreme to down the Attordable Care AC1. men would take health care away lrom 20 Amenoans and protectrons tor as many as taa Amencans condmons tn the ot a pandemrc. . lnstead the wins so the economy can reopen salely. Trump'slalled coronavrrus response has contnbuted to aluture rn ol small busmesses are at ol clostng tor good. up to 40 Amenoans are at ot belng evloted. tens or are gorng hungry and nearly so Amenoans are currently unemployment penetrts. . lnstead ol thennanclal secunty ol senrors and tamrlres. Trump's latest plan to the payroll tax could deplete Soctal Secunty by 2023. In the race of talled pollcles and lack or a vlslon tor the tuture. Trump's plan Isn'l to protectthe Amerlcan people -- lt ls to double down on scare root tor chaos and vlolence In our communltles and protlt on the path or our when we need heallng ln Amerlca. Amerlcans deserve better. America is experiencing a moment oi national anguisn, as we grieve tortiiose killed oy poiice orutaiity and racial iniustice In June, led by the Congressional Blaclt Caucus, tne House passed tne bipartisan George Floyd .iustice in Act: bold. unprecedented reforms to lundameiilaily translorm Ihe culture or policing by curbing police brutality, ending racial profiling, increasing transparency and accountability. as it saves lives. . Bans . Stops "Orknock warrants, . Ends tne qualitied immunity doctrine tnat is a carrier to iioiding poiice otticers accountaoie tor wrongiui conduct, . Combats racial . Mandates data collection, including oody cameras and dasnooard cameras, and . Estaoiisnes new standards ior policing The weak Senate GOP bill was rejecled on a bipartisan basis. Leader McConnell should take up_ the House bipartisan and do so Immediately, so that we can save lives. ##it