September 19, 2020 Passing of Justice Ginsburg Message Guidance from Office of Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer Yesferday we learned loe deafh ofJuslroe Gmsburg, a legal granl, a champlon for lustlce' and a frarlblazer forwomen As we move forward, we musf preserve her legacy and confmue for fhe olall Amerlcans The Supreme Court fo replace .lushce Gmsburg on the bench puls every smgle Amerlcan value al The mosf rmponanl we can do now as we head mlo elechon season rs commumcale lo fhe Amerrcan people and prolecfwhafs af sfake Belaw am snarmg message guldance' tweels from Leader Scnumer and @SenafeDems, lhe lelfer Senale Judlmary Democrals senl lo Chalrman Graham lo delay lhe vacancy unlrl after the lnauguratlon' guoles from Leader McConnell and Judlmary Chalrman Graham as well as a release guoles from Donald Trump saymg he appoml JudIClal nomrnees who smke down fhe Affordable Care Act As always, please reach outwlm any oueshons 1) Massage Guldanca on the Passan of Justlce a. The Supreme Court Vacancy; . On Frlday we learned of lhe devaslalmg of Supreme Court .luslrce Rulh Bader Jusllce was a frarlblazerwno led an exfraordrnary llfe and always be remembered for her herce advocacy . As we move forward our number one goal musl be lo commumcale lhe slakes Supreme Court lhe Amencan people . Amencans value rs al sfake Heallh care, prolechons for pre-eXlSIIng women workers labor volmg I'lgl'llSl clrmale change, and so much else rs al when we are canSldenng Supreme Court vacancy . We musl honor Jusllce legacy by conlmumg fo fighl for lhe sne foughf for her enhre career . Heallh care rs a rssue forAmerlcan across counlry and now, a case lhal could yeopardrze fhe exrsfence olfhe Affordable Care Acf lS before the Supreme Court . ll Leader McConnell does nol follow own rules from 2015 and pushes through a Supreme Coun nomme weeks fhe ACA could be gone and 20 Americans Will lose their heailh care and people With preexisting oondrlions lose their protections . The American people deserve to have a voice in lhe selection of their next Supreme Court Justice This vacancy should nol be filled unlil we have a new president and Senate Democrals will loolh and nail lo make sure that happens g) Recent Tweets tront Leader Schumar and @5enatenents -- Please Leader Schumerpul our the below tweets on Justice We would lrlre to point our (ha! these are Leader MCCoIlnell's exact words from February 13, 2015 on the passing of Justice Scalla Leader Schumer: The Amencan people should have a volce ln [he Selecllon oflheir next Supleme Court Justice, Thelefore, Ihis vacancy should nol be filled unlil we have a new preSIdenl. LIN Leader Schumer: Tonight, we mourn the passing ola giant in American history, a champion for iustice. a traiiplazer tor women. She would wanl us all to fighl as hard as we can to preserve her legacy. Senate nems (new Video Feat. Leader McConnell): "Ellher way. our view is this, Give lhe people a voice in filling this McConnell on the Supreme Court ln 2016 when Presioenl opama was in lhe \Nhlle House Senate Dems (NEW Video Feat. Senator Graham): "If an opening comes in lhe iasl year at Presidenl Trump's lerm, and the primary process has slarted, we'll wail lili the nexteiection.' -- Judiciary Chairman Graham (R-SC) in 2018 Vacant: Unfll After lnaugurallon LINK Washington--Senale Judiciary Committee Memper Dianne Feinstein (D--Calil.) today led all 10 Judiciary Committee Democrats in calling on Chairman Lindsey Graham to delay action on Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's seal on the Supreme Court until aflel the inauguration of the next pTeSIdenL "In light oi the vacancy created by Justice death. we call upon you to state unequivocally and that you will not considerany nontlnee to cm Justice seat untll atter the next President is inaugurated," lhe senalors said in the letter lo Chairman Graham The senators Continuei "There cannot be one set at rules tor a Republican Presldentand one set for a Democratic President, and considering a nominee betore the next inauguration would be wholly inappropnate." Full Iexl loe leller is here. 4) guoies irom Senaie Republican ubllcan Leader Miich McConnell s. Senaie Judiciary Chairman Graham . Republican Leader Miich McConnell (R-KY): Mr. Presideni, lhe nexi Juslice oould iundamenially alier ihe direciion ofth Supreme Couri and have a profound impaci on our counlry. so oi course--oi course ihe American mpla should have a say In ihe Court's direciio As Chairman Grassley and declared weeks ago and reiieraied personally io Presidenl Obama lhe Senale will ooniinue io observe ihe Elden rule so ihai ihe American people have a voice in ihis momenlous decision. The American --p_eop_le ma considerailon. The nexi Presideni may also nomlnaie somebody_ very_ dinere Eliher wa our view ls ih lve ihe p_eople a voice ln ihe lining of ihis vacancy_ we con inue working on issues like ihese ihe American people are perfeclly capabe oi haying men say on ihis issue So lel's give lhem a voice. Let's lei ihe American people decide. The Senaie will approprialely revisii ihe maiier when ii considers lhe oualrhcalions oi ihe nominee ihe nexi Presideni nominaies. vrnoever ihai mighi be.' [Floor Remarks 3/16/16 . Republican Leader Miich McConnell (R-KY): "No wonder he is working so hard now io give ihe people a voice in ihe direciion oft/1e Supreme Coun. The nexi Supreme Coun .iusiioe could dramaiically change ihe direciion oi ihe Coun and our couniry ior a generaiion [Floor Remarks, 3/10/16 0 "The American people obviously deserve io have a voice in ihis maiier. ii is ihe fallesl and mosi reasonable approach we could iake. During our curreni naiionai conversaiion, Americans could make men voioes heard on ihe kind oi iudiciai philosophy ihey favor.' - Republican Leader Miich McConnell (R-KY): "The American people should have a voice in ihe seieciion of iheir nexi Supreme Couri Jusiice The/elem ihis vacancy should noi be filled unlil we have a new presidenl.' 2/13/16] . Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Sen. Lindsey Graham (R--NC), Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), Sen. Mlka Lee (R--UT). Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Sen. David Perdue and Sen. Thom (R-NC): are ihe midsi of a greai naiional debaie over ihe course our couniry rake in ihe coming years. The Presideniial eieciion is well undamay; Americans have already flgun io casi iheir voies. As we mourn ihe llagic loss oi .iusiice Anionin Scaiia. and oeiebraie his Me's work, ihe American people are presenied Wiih an exceedingly rare opponuniiy lo decide. in a very real and ooncreie way. ihe direciion ihe Coun Will iake over ihe nexl generaiion, We believe The People should have ihis opponumly.' Because our decision is based on principle and born oi a necessiiy io proieci ihe will oi ihe American pe_opl_e, ihis Comminee noi hold hearings on any Supreme Coun nominee umll aiier our nexi Presideni is sworn in [Lelter to Sen Mitch 2/23/16] - Sen. Lindsey Graham (RSC): "As I have repealedly siaied, ihe eieciion cycle is well underway and ihe precedeni oi ihe Senaie is noi io Confirm a nominee ai ihis siage in ihe pmoeSS.' [Press Release. a/ie/ie] For Imm ediare Release Date: Seplember 19. 2020 What's At Stake: A Vote To Confirm Any Trump SCOTUS Nominee Is a Vote To Strike Down Healthcare Coverage and Protections For Mi ions Of Americans During A Pandemic That Has Killed Nearly 200,000 Americans Then-Candidate Donald Trump: Win The Presidency, My Judicial Appointments Will Do The Right Thing Unlike Bus/1's Appointee John Roberts 0n Obamaenre. Then-Candidate Trump: "We're Going To Have A Very Strong Test." "I'm Disappointed In Roberts Because He Gave Us Then-Candidate Trump Cal/ell Roberts "Among The Worst Appointments I Have Ever Seen Bet'anse UfDet'isiun To Preserve T/le Affordable Care At] Then-Candidate Donald Trump: "If win the presidency, my Judicial appomtments will do the right thing unlike Bush's appomtee John Roberts on Twitter. 6/25/15] Then-Candidate Donald Trump: QUESTION: ll's January 20. it's President Donald J. Trump. 1 know you like the sound of that. There are a lot of really old Supreme Court Justices. There are a lot of really close. 54 Supreme Court decisions: Obamacare. ClIlZenS United. votmg rights. Give IIS a sense of whether or not there is a litmus test for Supreme ('oun Justices in a Trump administration. And who might be the kind of person who you'd pick to sit on the Supreme Court please? TRUMP: We're going to have a very strong test. We want good strong conservative people that are extremely smart. Scalia IS a terrific Judge. Clarence Thomas, yoil look at lnm. he's been a stalwart, he's been terrific, and we have others. I'm disappomled Roberts because he gave us Obamacare. He had two chances to end Obamacare. he should have ended it by every smgle measurement and he didn't do it. so that was a drsappomtmg one. Everybody thought he was good, he was a Bush appomtee. he was somebody that should have. frankly. ended Obamacare. and he didn't. That's one of the truly very important positions of a prestdent. and 1 think you'll be very happy the people we put in. [Trump lntervrew Wuh WGBH. 2/8/16] Then-Candidate Donald Trump: HALPERIN: So let's talk about Ihe Supreme Court. If you're prestdeut that's one of the big the president nomtuattng Justices. Is there somebody you have in mtud. etther a current or past Justtce who would be kind of a model for you? TRUMP: I would have had Justice Roberts not come om wilh that horrible decision on Obamacare, which was a disaster. He have ended Obamacare. 1 really hked his gatt. I really liked his thought process. 1 hked lus backgroundfan. |Bloomberg, Then-Candidate Donald Trump: STEFHANOPOULOS: But Ted Cruz says he's gotug to appotut rock nb conservatives a paper tratl. What are you gomg to do? TRUMP: Well. I'm gotug Io appotut conservatrve Judges. I'm gotng to appotnt people that have great reputattons. that are great Ille legal STEFHANOPOULOS: lee'.7 TRUMP: Well. 1 can say hke .- you know a Judge who ts a totally underrated and nol spoken ts Jusuce Thomas. 1 mean, .1 you look at -. tt' you look at some of the Judges that we have hke on the Supreme Court. Justice Roberts turned ow to be a i'or conservalives. I STEFHANOPOULOS: But how are you gorng TRUMP: Watt. let me first say. Ted Cnlz. was Ille one that really wanted Juslice Roberts to go on Ihe Supreme Court. You know that. right? Have you heard that? (CROSSTALK) TRUMP: Lel me Just say. he was pushtug him hard. Justtce Roberts gave us ()bamacare. ()bamacare would have been termmated twtce tf ll weren't for Justtce Roberts. First time. 100 percent. second ttme 90 percent it would have dted of HS own weight. Justice Roberts could have killed Obamacare. and should have. based on Should have killed ll Iche. Ted Cruz is Ihe one that was promolillg him. Ted and also Jeb Bush. Bul Jusllce Roberls was the mail that gave us -- and remember it -- he gave us ()bamacare almost as much as ()bama himself. This Week Speual Edition, Then-Candidate Donald Trump: "Well. let me Just Iell you about appomtees. Jusuce John Roberts gave us Obarnacare twtce. l-te felled, he ended ()bamacare twrce. He had two votes. He went up. shockingly, he voted tn favor of Obamacare. He got there because Ted Cruz pushed him like wild. Alld by the way. Jeb Busll pushed him through the brother. They were close. And Jeb Bush and Cruz pushed Jusuce John Roberts and uow we have Justtce John Roberts. What happened is he. twrce. could have ended Obarnacare aud he didn'l do lt. So Cruz shouldn't be because that was among Ihe worst appolnlmenls have ever seen. We have Obamacare because of Ted Cruz. Jeb Bush and George Bush." IABC Week. Then-Candidate Donald Trump: ROBERTS: Ted Cruz. Marco would cenalnly conslder you lo be Ille froutrunner. and you are thelr target. Ted Cruz especrally gomg after you. There was a pro-Cruz commerclal I saw Ioday saylng he was the only one that can defend Ihe ('oustuutron and protect our llberly. l-le l'alled Io ovemlrn ()bamacare. Do you that you can ovenunl the ACA ll' elected'.7 TRUMP: Well. I'll Iell you whal. Nol only he fall to overturn Obamacare. he appolnled Ihe Judge that gave us ()bamacare because he was the one that pushed so hard for John Rubens to be a Judge. you know. of Ike Supreme Court. So Ted Cruz really, really a greal drssemce lo the people llke myself that want to see Obamacare totally repealed and replaced. He was really -- 1 mean. ll you look at John Roberls, he had Iwo chances lo end ll. and he voted agamst. So was a dlsasler and. you know, he gave us Ihal. 2/17/16l