Un of fic ial C op y O ffic e of M ar ily n Bu rg es s D ist ric t C ler k Filed 20 August 24 A8:40 Marilyn Burgess - District Clerk Harris County EA001_536792 By: G MONTERO WM RYAN Assistant District Attorney Harris County District AttorneQQf?ce TBC No. 24086812 .NET CAUSE NO. 165221801010 THE STATE OF TEXAS IN THE 263RD DISTRICT COURT vs. OF OPOKU, JAVON HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS $6 ORDER The foregoing Motion having come before the Court on said Motion @Qereby in all things Granted. The Defendant?s BOND is hereby set at . NE Judge Presid?n/g Harris 263rd District Court Harri nty, Texas