Committee of the Whole: Accountability Updates September 15, 2020 Accountability Updates: Directors of School Accountability Director of Accountability Assignments Accountability Updates: Notices of Non-Compliance Notices of Noncompliance, Level 2: Open per SPLC ENCORE Academy: June 3, 2019- Enrollment (ICAP); Pending LDOE Resolution James A. Singleton Charter School: June 3, 2019- Related Services (ICAP); Pending LDOE Resolution Walter L. Cohen College Prep High School: October 31, 2019-Child Find (elevated to ICAP); Pending LDOE Resolution New Orleans Math and Science HS: March 12, 2020- Related Services (CAP); Pending LDOE Resolution Einstein Village de L’Est: March 12, 2020- Enrollment (CAP); Pending LDOE Resolution KIPP Central City: March 12, 2020-Child Find (CAP); Pending LDOE Resolution Lake Forest Elementary Charter School: March 12, 2020- Related Services (CAP); Pending LDOE Resolution Dr. King Charter School: March 12, 2020-Enrollment (CAP); Pending LDOE Resolution Mildred Osborne Charter School: March 12, 2020- Discipline (CAP); Pending LDOE Resolution Fredrick Douglass High School: March 12, 2020-Related Services (CAP); Pending LDOE Resolution New Orleans Accelerated High School*: March 12, 2020-Related Services (CAP); Pending Resolution by new operator EQA Mary D. Coghill Charter School*: March 12, 2020-Enrollment (CAP); Pending LDOE Resolution by new operator NOLA-PS John F. Kennedy High School*: March 12, 2020- Related Services (CAP); Pending LDOE Resolution by new operator KIPP-NO Notices of Noncompliance, Level 2: SPLC Updates as of Sept. ‘20 Notice Closures • Lusher Charter School: October 28, 2019-Related Services (CAP); Resolved w. LDOE; L2 Notice Closed • Audubon Charter School: October 31, 2019-Related Services (CAP); Resolved w. LDOE: L2 Notice Closed Notice Changes/Additions • Walter L. Cohen College Prep High School: October 31, 2019- (CAP) for Child Find elevated to (ICAP) by LDOE; state monitoring extended through 2020-2021 school year; L2 Notice Open • Success Prep: September 11, 2020-Enrollment (CAP); Pending LDOE Resolution Accountability Updates: Charter Renewal Cycle 2020-2021 Proposed Changes to Charter School Accountability Framework On March 13, 2020, the Governor enacted an executive order effectively closing schools. Because of this closure, schools were not able to conduct annual state assessments. Due to the absence of assessment data (SPS scores), we are proposing changes to Policy HB that will grant schools certain allowances they normally would not have received. • Allow schools to use 1 or 2 years of letter grade data to determine renewal decisions • Allow schools to use 2 years of Progress data instead of 3 years of Progress data to determine renewal length, in certain circumstances • Clarifies that renewal decisions can be based on the 2018-2019 SPS grade. • Allow the Superintendent to grant an extension to a school that has not yet received an SPS grade • Provides the Superintendent the autonomy to offer a comprehensive evaluation to all schools that did not meet the current renewal standards 8 2020-2021 Charter Renewal Timeline • • • • September Renewal Annual Site Visits begin Inform impacted schools of the Comprehensive Evaluation Process Inform families of the renewal process for 2020-2021 renewal cycle Inform families of the Public Hearing Data Presentations October • Renewal Annual Site Visits and conversations continue • Comprehensive Evaluation Process continues: • Comprehensive Evaluation Written Submission, Super App Submission, Parent School Improvement Meetings, District Parent and Teacher Survey 9 Accountability Updates: Notice of Intent for Proposed Policy Changes Policy HA Updates These updates codify the processes and procedures that are currently in place. Rationale: to formalize existing processes to create consistency in practices and increase transparency. Authorizer Policy Codifies the authorizing activities of the Charter Request for Applications process in board policy and increases the district’s transparency in the charter application process Charter Approval Extension Policy Outlines the criteria and process the district will use to recommend extensions to the timeline to open approved charters Open Siting Process Policy Outlines the competitive process for new and existing eligible operators to be sited to an existing school, including the following potential pathways to siting: full transformation through a new charter, full transformation through replication, and a consolidation Accountability Updates: Bridge Amendment Bridge Contract Amendment The Bridge’s mandate is to provide services for 7th and 8th grade students in New Orleans who are in need of intensive supports to address and remediate the needs of students underlying behavior. Those students have either been expelled or are at risk of expulsion. Given current circumstances of remote learning, The Bridge is addressing the shifting city-wide needs of 7th and 8th graders by adjusting programming to meet these needs for the first semester of the 2020-21 school year. As such, NOLA Public Schools will be requesting action on the contract amendment. The Bridge Contract Amendment Services offered include: Helping schools re-engage with students who are not successfully participating in their virtual learning classes and working with the family and school to address any barriers keeping the students from successfully participating in schooling. Social work, wraparound services, referrals and other services will be given to the student. Providing academic and behavior support for students who are not successful in the Sending School’s remote learning program. • Providing a consistent and safe school site at The Bridge’s location, within current on-site guidelines, for students to get supports • Offering in-person assistance to students who need additional academic and therapeutic services side by side As appropriate, students will be provided Special Education services, counseling sessions, therapeutic counseling, and social work services so that the students can successfully transition back to their Sending School remote learning programs Accountability Updates: School Quality Support Network (Innovation Zone) Updates School Quality Support Network (Innovation Zone) Background: Based in action research in the district and in-depth research into school autonomy models to inform what practices may help improve the schools within NOLA Public Schools’ portfolio Purpose: To create more stability for families through support and early intervention in schools to reduce low performance leading to non-renewals and revocations Overview: • A collaborative autonomy model for charter schools that will increase the number of high quality academic offerings for students that offers varied levels of direct support for schools • Schools will be provided supports and increased oversight to improve performance • Schools will keep their autonomy and have additional district intervention into aspects of the school to both support improvements and increase district-level oversight School Quality Support Network (Innovation Zone) Purpose: to develop the framework of the network for the district and develop what the new governance model will look like through engagement will relevant stakeholders. The group will determine: • The parameters of the areas of support/intervention • Pathways into and out of the network and what is the criteria • Review of alternative school models • Financial structures outlining how schools will pay into the zone (in coordination with the district administration) The working group will be comprised of: • NOLA Public Schools staff • School leaders • Charter school board chairs • Partner organizations Timeline: Quarters 1 and 2 Quarter 1 • Working group meeting #1: • Establish goals • Research review • Discuss intervention/support areas • School leader engagement • Policy review • District structures internal resources review Accountability Updates: Spring/Summer 2020 High School Credit Accumulation Audit Results Quarter 2 • Working group meeting #2: • Discuss pathways into the network • Review alternative school models • Intervention/support areas • Charter board engagement • Policy review (continue) • District structures internal resources review (continue) The Audit Process: Where Are We Now? Why are we conducting High School Credit Accumulation Audits? Fall 2019: Define the Baseline We needed to gain a solid understanding of where schools were starting from with this work Spring 2020: COVID It has been important to continue this work while respecting the challenges faced by teachers and administrators Fall 2020: Raising the Bar The next round of audits will have accountability implications 21 The Audit Process What does the SCHOOL know? • • • • Pre-Audit Interview Local Transcript Current Schedule Assessment History What does the STATE know? • Student Transcript System (STS) • Assessment Score Reports and LEADS Inquiry What does the FAMILY know? • Individual Graduation Plan (IGPs) 22 The Audit Process During COVID In lieu of in-person visits, beginning this summer, members of the NOLA-PS Accountability team worked with schools to carry out virtual High School Audits. These consisted of: • An orientation call between NOLA-PS and the school to outline the virtual audit procedure and timelines; • School submissions of IGPs, transcripts, assessment histories, and STS reports for a truncated number of student; • A virtual audit conducted by NOLA-PS; • A debrief call to explain results and provide feedback. These are still ongoing. 23 Spring/Summer 2020 Results & Takeaways • High schools citywide are complying with rules and regulations when it comes to planning for student diploma pathways, administering EOC assessments, and administering credit recovery programs. • When documenting student progress towards graduation and communicating such progress to families, schools have varied systems in place but show a good grasp of citywide expectations and demonstrable growth • Given the new documentation standards being measured through this audit process, areas of improvement have been identified for each school. Following the close of this round, schools will be fully prepared for High School Credit Accumulation audits tied to accountability mechanisms 24 Round 1 vs. Round 2: IGP Signatures Number of Schools IGP Signatures Round 1 10 Round 2 10 6 4 4 4 2 100% - 80% 5 79% - 60% 2 1 59% - 40% 39% - 20% Less than 20% Percent of IGPs with All Signatures By Round 25 Round 1 vs. Round 2: Pathways Graduation Pathway Identified on IGP Graduation Pathway Identified on IGP 6 11 13 18 In Compliance Not in Compliance In Compliance Not in Compliance 26 Round 1 vs Round 2: Pathways Graduation Pathway Identified in STS Graduation Pathway Identified in STS 2 8 12 22 In Compliance Not in Compliance In Compliance Not in Compliance 27 Round 1 vs. Round 2: Assessment Reports Number of Schools Number of Schools by Percent of Student Files Including All Assessment Reports 6 7 6 4 100% - 80% 5 79% - 60% 5 3 59% - 40% 4 5 39% - 20% 3 Less than 20% Percent of Student Files Including All Assessment Score Reports 28 Round 1 vs. Round 2: Assessment History Number of Schools Number of Schools by Percent of IGPs with a Full Assessment History 7 6 5 4 4 3 2 100% - 80% 2 79% - 60% 2 59% - 40% 39% - 20% Less than 20% Percent of IGPs with Full Assessment History 29 Round 1 vs. Round 2: STS Alignment Number of Schools by Percent of All Course Selections and Credit Totals Correct in STS 9 8 7 6 6 4 3 3 1 100% - 80% 79% - 60% 59% - 40% 1 39% - 20% Less than 20% 30 Next Steps 1)NOLA-PS Accountability will continue to provide feedback in the form of audit debriefs until Round 2 has been closed out; 2)NOLA-PS will be hosting a webinar with school leaders in October to discuss the next round of High School Credit Accumulation Audits 3)Audits are currently slated to begin in November and could, for the first time, results in Notices of Non-compliance. 31