N0. 20CR1473 JEFFERSON CIRCUIT COURT DIVISION THIRTEEN (l3) V. ORDER IIEFTUNILAPWF Motion having been made by the Of?ce ol? the Attorney General for an extension of time to redact from the audio recording of the Grand Jury presentation personal identi?ers (address, date of birth, social security number, telephone number) of witnesses at the Grand Jury and those persons referred to during the Grand Jury proceedings, as well as the names and personal identifiers of any minor children, defense counsel having no objection to this request for an extension of time, and this Court being otherwise suf?ciently advised, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that an extension is granted until noon on Friday, October 2, 2020 for the ?ling of the Grand Jury recording. An unredacted copy shall be ?led under seal for the Court. EDNTERED IN DAVID L. NICHOLSON CLERK SEPS t} 2320 (SW ANN BAILEY SMI H, JUDGE BY t? ?Em/Le? 0% ?33 323? DATE - re: Barbara Whatey, Assistant Attorney General James Lesaasky. Assistant Attorney Genera! Stewart ,Mathews, Catmsetfar Defendant