CHARGE crime: 'lheel'en'naafl'erled the 115113111 ?atwbm'MHn-z it'll-H mm: Jamie Hensleyr - Li'Lf'hC-f- H-Hll-t was l5 hl'jEHE't' lil'l'l-IZI [Innate-Masai Int-?ew] til-WE MEI-JR EE- ELEFHIZIHE West Chester Felice Dept"i West Chester Tewnship 1011+ ETLTE. EUIJH1T am? Beckett Ftd-__ ?lth] West Chester. DH asses EtLrtE-er HHJHEHS West Ghester Beard ef Tmstees Ete-l?-?ee-D aesriEss crn'. sTa annals ceeE esLII-rr's' 45939 cams aasLLI en earl: Discettiumtteetceit Panel. ?Emma" I: EHHLIEET an LI-I-TIGH June 23, F- . . [?aecrl?yl THE ARE Eddie-tine! space I5 ?trade-ill. attach delta e'reetfaJI: I have cracked with the Wesl Chester Felice Department slnee teas hire-cl Il'l .Jut?gr tees. At the time at my resignatien . I hate I the title et Felice Captain. Supper-t Bureau Gemmander. I was tulle qualified fer the median. I 5 II- The ether captain in the department. Jesepn ISutrnart. and I participated in an :mmtigatrmt el sexeat harassment by a Ientale Diff-Ether wtaese liirtatieus Inseam ntade Capt. Gutman etterl participated in the intras?gatjen. Felice [thief Jeel Herseg retaJiated against me and {Sept-sun lt3utn'ian by away respensieititjes and ett'ienrise urtdermimnp myriad. Captain Eutmen end interment HFI and the Te'rmel?u'p Adminiehetet' the! Citiel Herseg e?en rhede ee?et end statements as well as anti-Muslim statements in the seaplane and retaliated against us fer participating tn the harassment lnuesugatlen- The Tet-instep did net; investigate and we es fa cen?'ent Chief Heme-g ewe-elves. til-lief Hating Ihen demgl'aded ear perfennenee relate-eve end rejem. He elem tenet: away mere lee-1f :respeneibilitiee and here us eLrt meetings and that we were pre'n'eusly included in. In teeny 21324}. the Tewnship ?nally imeatjgeted the Ghier because are made terrnal enaen mpleinte eta-nut the pettem elf tete?e?en against LE and mum hie dietsrirnineter'y bettevier- We participated in that :natetigatien. At the mnelesien {If the jmreetige?en, the annship did net diecipIete the {thief and [was hit-reed te quit n13,- pasiljen. The Chief. Tewnehip and Trustees else retaliated again-let rne even after I quit hy- mat-ting Iatee public statements that damaged my pars-anal and prefessienal reputatien- have femerd with written sheet similar eemmerrts er retaliatjen by the Greet. tee hat-e quit. I Ines retaliated against ef my participatien and eppesitien anti-trite pretentecl by Titte 5 i1 iln?lln In the semen-.3 lee-IE. at? I I EJE-- ,f I I Elsie ?xf}}alla?j ere-are Pang.I [Signature] etsscaIsEearIesIt-eea TeaEFceEII-En-us ehTE WI