Please trelow a srarernent rhar can lae to rnysell. ln to the pornts mentroned ln rhe srarernenr, I also lulned rn luly as the Chlef Senlori' Advotare and straregrt officer to lead our ongolng to oualrty and care across all of our homes. Same ol my pmfesslorlal ekperrences rnclude sen/mg as the lormer cm olrhe ontarro Long term care Assoclallon (ochAl and senrors' care rhe CDVIDJS pandermt ar the Onlarlo Health longs Term Care and Retlrement Operatrons CUVID attron strategy tatrle. Take care, candate chartrer "creanng carrng enyrronrnents lor senrors l5 a remarkaple responsrlarlny rhat eueryone ar care Homes takes yery serrously. has retently taken a numper of sreps ro lomly the dualrty of care resrdents and deserve and expect by ekpemse ln operanons, rnlectron tontrol and recrurtment. Whlle CUVIDJQ has presenred unlque challenges ln the longrterm tare sector, rt has also presented unroue opponunrtres to the way we delryer care ro our resrdents, "Dr lames Ayukekbung ls our new urretror ol lnfectlorl preuennon and conrrol who l5 charged strengthenrng our lnfectlon preyentron and control Dr Ayukekborlg holds a rn rnedrcal strencelrom the offiomenburgln Swedenr and rs tertrhed rhe Cemfitallon aoard ol lnlecnon Central and Eprdernmlogy (CEIE), "Tu lunher burld our expemse rnlettron control, runs of our stall rnerntrers are also therr rn lnlecnon conrrol lrom the Board ol lnlectron conrrol and Eprdemrologv, an organrzatron expertrse rn rnlettron preyentron and control educatron and cemhcatron. "As a challenge fur us and other longrterm care homes durlng the pandernrc, we haye also hrred Danrelle Pasztov as our new Recruller to enhance our recrurtment effuns "We took lmplernentall drrectryes mandared by governmentand puplrc health, to one home, [1 weekly ol slaff, closrng communal and recreanonal spaces and ensurlng adequare supplres of personal protectrue edurprnent "We also rernarn to our redevelopment goals of a and class homes rnto A class hornes thar meet or exceed rhe new srandards set our rn the ontarro guvemment's lonngerm care Home uesrgn Manual. "We'd lrke to share our deepesr apprecratron lor the stafl and care rearns who have done so much to look alter our resldents throughout me pandemrc, We've heard lrorn resrdents, lamrlres and tomrnunnres how much therr attenuon, knowledge and support has meant oyerrhe past lew monrhs, and we are gratelul to haue the suth compassronare, dedrcated people,"