101 W. Main 1' PD. Baa 1m Wake Cit-y, 75mm Plat-m {90334164151 Fax {#331 ?6-1135 FGFL RELEASE (in Database 3. 2132!], farmer Weife City f?elice Df?cer Shaun Lucas was engaged in an ef?eer int'elsed sheeting which resulted in the death at" Waite Cit}.r resident Jenathan Price. At all times. the City and its pulicc department have fully agape-rated with the criminai investigatinn the Texas Rangers and the Hunt IL?tarntg.r District ?lmy at? Mr. Lucas?s aclicrns- That investigatian resulted in die arrest elf Mr. Lucas when has been charged 1rttith the murder {if Mr. Price. Centempuraneaus laith the criminal investigaticm and because Mr. Lucas is a certi?ed peace eff?teen, the Cit}.r was required te eanduct an administrative investigation Mr. Lucas's miseenduct. Earlier teday Mr. Lucas was terminated liar his egregieus sielatiun at the City?s and paiice department?s peiicies. ?ts the Mayer and Ceuucil cl" Welfe City we want ta extend eur gratitude that the gatherings in supp-art cf Mr. Price and his familyr have remained peaceful. was: I'C'itjrr is tight-intuit cemmunity. and we join yen in meuming Jonathan?s death and the events ef the last steels. We else ask that yeu remember our City empieyees. many efwhem werited bath Mr. Price and Mr. Lucas as we eventually begin the war]: af healing eur test-ti and the C?mmunit}' at large.