Case 1:20-cv-02935 Document 1-1 Filed 10/13/20 Page 1 of 5 Exhibit A Case 1:20-cv-02935 Document 1-1 Filed 10/13/20 Page 2 of 5 THE WHITE HOUSE I ?It?s I. \?I?nlkull. I?nuyl'm- Ilu' and acnsn?. IW .15 euhiwr 10 MA. h-lclunm Imam Ilu- I'in' Lad) u! I Imiul M). Llulicu .25 a wiuulu?l Imuu-d In prawn-hm: \nII'Icc' .md un minmm-x Iur II If? as SCI Ilvn'm In pun Idling mutuduu: 51':ku In \?I'Iulc Hum-c I ul lec I .ul} . NIH.) I I I ?chum-n daIc L'xn u! this ulnI N'uplxanhu PINK 2 mam wilh pnwuimy .Idtzw .m-I In; inn-mm In: I (II I IN Ihcsc im'hldu mluu' \inh u?gmd In Imli; 1111?.?er :?lwccicx In by I alull aim :mcruu th IhiuI mrt'cs. uuisidc ymups and Inc meIiJ uni}. as L'prith nulhr-Ii/mi (II I .Iml .umi-fhuu'ui upur. In} cpriL?u cIan?IiI-ntmn mu spanking Mild} .. :ninmz" :u "lung Iimu friend" am: that I .ml slzcahnp on Itchalt \I'Itilu Hum-r, ur tin: I IS. I m?n ILL-s wilIIun' L'nmttirlum Imx' Hm"! I I5. . Iumlu-I. nul mam any LIIJIID Iul n: lmcuncl. In mnm?ctl.?m m} l'uIc undcr (xmhutnln :?Iprcancnl. I am 1101 cmpluyu? HI I'cdcmi mt may pmpuw. than ?in; In Im'l Chum and :md .mmnimgl} mu} nuI Inml Ihc I I5 Iinvummcm In an} I shall as?: any dmunwm un I'chall?nl?, an rrpracnuliw nI'. Ihc Inn II I am umnumhcd .lhuul, unmitcd In l?IlIl'I ?no. any such ?It I IN. and pml}. I Ibrwurd Ihc In I II) II hIrI nI Sun In riu? Md). uflhc House L'muncl. unulhcr by for :er1013 gIaILIIqus IS nut ucduuhlc Im lcuw mutual um hcnul'alz. from Ich'wncc chuck. hucxpmuml :nquiry. inwmc wiII In: a In In'mg tlt?alui lu pun Ihcw ymluilnnx services I nndurslumi [Ital I may hm'r mm; In nunpnhi 1c. I'ImIEIla-nlml mI?uImaIiun in Ihc? cnum: uI pcllumrillg wn?in?? I Incluhy upu'c I from imcnziunu} rcIcIIsc vl? unnulhumml and inllumu'lmr. Iumishud In by Imdu; Agu'mucnl. Inlurmutinn alum: the Mrs! I'aimlI}. u! olIIcr :Ihuut I may .Iwarc durum the mmrer I uck:2uwicdpc that I wu'ilimli}. Hum pun?ushiny. Case 1:20-cv-02935 Document 1-1 Filed 10/13/20 Page 3 of 5 wpmducnm slix ulpinp. .nw such inf: umulmn In any unautl'Im/xd [lawn cnlily in part I Iurlru-r lhul. 1h?. inlunmhun is In my I shall Inlw all rcw-mhlc tn pmlul 3: {mm ummtimri/uul disdman- and ag'Luss-m thun- ulm hun- .1 hnnu lulu I'm such access Rotunda: mcludcd llu: purupmph Invludt?. hul 41c .miilcd In, u?cdum ul' lnlumuliim (l mm Irquuxrs. 'nugu'xmuml IL?q'JL'lil's, and Inquest?: llil?ca'l All qumlzuns ahuul I'm syn-mint). nl any sud: or any Issm? concurmng n! In the lflu 4- Ill Whilu llumc 'r-unsrl prm'lsmm me comment HI. null do supcrxulr. unl?ucl wzlh. n_1' mhcm-m' ain't my rights. or imhilillm urcalcd hs.? tuning. ur liwuum?v relating In lilclassi?cd 'nlunmtimL (El In ll illc In in: at": vmlulmn nl' any 1m; lL'lL'. ur IL?pulJllull. 3 grams wast-.- ml funds. an uhuxc ul ity. (u ulnart'hnl .lml danger In pulslir nr mlcl}. ur I41 any ullu't' ltu' llulinilwnk. rcqum?man, rights. anLlluns. and liahililws cmutud hj.? and statutory pun inwxpumlcd inm and shall MM ul'zinndlivc lucaxunts In prulcu [Em ml Ilu- information. and In ll?u.? Ullicc 01' Whn: Iluusc ('mamcl wnuny, 5mm pmctimblc if] run-u: rch-mn Iv a brunch ul'th has (up, In) fun-c hum hrcuchrd llmlu'dl I uhull nul .li-avluru: 'nl Ilnx Agm mum. or m} mil. l' I .I '5 and (ll-'1 A, to any pal-sun ur cnlity In dm?lusurc 113x no: hm?n .mtlm: ?ed 111 by ? t'hlcl' nl Stall In Firs: Lady nr the llnu?: l'uunwl. .7 axgn'c nulil?fv the I ul'z'nu Whilc lluuw (RI-maul. ahnultl I wucnc -I Imam! [rum Illird pzuty iulul Inuhuz?. In this nu'nl. All mammals. documcnm dam. In m. in Ila: murw ul my I will ml duplicatc. While llnusc or take any such n: willmut duly nullkni/cd ?mien II): (?lncl'ul Stall In I?irs: I My nr Illc ?lilo.- nl'lhc Whilc llmm- uLknuwlL-tlgc thal any mnuvul. ur ull'lcr ul malcn'ah mv tu unmmul liability. IX Any approved lun'cl shall he moniinulcd the luxurulwu "Tue 0! Ilu? l?I?CQILicnl lliUl?l (?llet: All 11.1? cl, [0 lm'llulc uillulc. lrunhpm'lauun. meals and mcidcnulu. shall he in: ace-urdunu: wul: llIL' 1?.ch Any costs (ha! rim-w uuthurwud by lhl: 'l I'm-3 chulullnn .s-lull In: my acne tcspunsihiiuy, Reimbursement rcqucsr-z mm: Ix: wmmrIL-Ll by dcnulul invmcura. Luml IS nnly nn :1 spucv nvmlahh? lmsix XIV XV. XVI XVII. Ca?e 1:20-cv-02935 Document 1-1 Filed 10/13/20 Page 4 of 5 In l'ur hing lu 'l hr Wi'lh- lluuw .Iml alumina-u! in wail lhiS 1 2mm: In :clmw and tho: i 'mch Slnlus n! Amuliui. ila cmpluycm. and .Igrnb. ?ildiilcf uumg, unicially? unul'licialh. :ulmns .mlmn [in ?l umlh, In.? ul wmu?. run-max. ur l'ul urnn qumnz an; Lidalmpc. :njziry WhiL?h Inn}- hr .xualumcd Illc. u: ulhuzs milnr. my cum-d}. and arming nul ml (11 Incidental In my prim-11w. iindcn'ialul and amen: Illa! 1 may nu! use u: my. scruccs am}- tin-Jim's. ur (im'ludiuy nmliu?; Inm llciuulic: 'rmJ: may l'c tam-nu] nn cndm'wnmn ?ny ?l . Ilic limit-c. or the I shall nu?. (150 m) gihluimus Ill un-ncilmn ?Nix :zm' im?u'hamdixmg ulhc: m?th ll). i shall llul mm- ni? [lili?lihh unis puhlu'nty Illiilt'zidis Ill x'mlcnu?ms. 'iu-iudinp (hnsc made Il?tmugh rims such! mulii alm..l my xcn'iru: In ?H's wuhnm uulhnriiain-n ham: . I shall clcur ah mdk'liai!? and with the his! hicr a! Bull um! I )ll )?Il?lul' lu- pulelu Illumination. and shall abide by lhirs and Swiu. .?dcdm l'ulu?ics i shall ?Hi; all While Hiram.- gmliu's and iiuw. puiicicx .imi ymdam?c lhal gnu-m While \nllmiwn uhilc nguilutn sauces. In I'll [5 In ul hung ulluwcd In Jilin-c and ?alum:- umicr llus I shall l?r for piniuliny all ml'nmutmn ux?d. or un us .1 iuull of link small pitxcdurcs lhal msun: :le physical tn ensure Ihc wuurily unniidcmiulilv at all wusiliw mfmmatmn and data. i shall nut 11.x: my 3.1 alumnus scrvicc.? In uhluili brilclils l'nr mpg-H ulhcr-i that an: nu! in line grnurui puhllL i shall not wurk or. mallow that wuld dire-ell) zillca my limmuul mic-masts. or limit :11) family. 01 (hm: at any nipmimlmnur will] Much .mu .illslimi-Ll .u hau- .1 "cm?un?d rcimiunxllip" as definc-J hy- 3135.502. 1 shall comply with all Slate and l-cduml laws rll'lli while pmwding grandma? 3mm.? In (H .3 under this Agrcuuciil. All}. viululmn nl'nny pnwisiun L'unzaincd hcmr. shall :csull ill lcliilinulmn (II-?li? Jhie ma} also a! any time and lm my mum: by much u: a! the knit disuuiinn 01 *5 Case 1:20-cv-02935 Document 1-1 Filed 10/13/20 Page 5 of 5 I. chlzimn?c U. imlmr urH mli 'fuwuir ?sen Jan-mm: alum.- En IT ll .1 {Eil'k? mama: .. - . . . 'Imlu' -: In. f/ I Hat" Allyn-J v'l Ll "\lapu'rcd \amc.? .5 Atn?mn Q??l-Qeg, a . Inm- 32;, Lu: