West Virginia voters are more inclined to think the recent protests, marches, and demonstrations hurt support for racial injustice and equality than Americans overall. 51% 53% Q: Overall, do you think the recent protests, marches and demonstrations will help, hurt or make no difference to public support for racial justice 21% and equality 28% 34% 13% Help Hurt Makes no difference Help Hurt Makes no difference July 2020 n=1,000 Half of West Virginia voters’ believe Trump should pick the next justice, while half of Americans think the winner of the presidential election should fill the position. 49% Regardless of who wins the presidential election in November, President Trump should pick the next justice to fil Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s vacancy since he is the current President 37% 41% The winner of the presidential election in November should pick the next justice to fil Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s vacancy since the election is fewer than a month away Don’t know/No opinion Sept 2020 Q: Which of the following comes closest to your opinion, even if neither is correct? 50% United States 10% 10% West Virginia voters’ are more optimistic about the nation’s economy in the next year, than the nation as a whole. 54% 23% Better Worse About the same Q: In the next year do you think the nation’s41% economy will get better, worse or stay about the same? 23% 35% 23% Better Worse About the same July 2020 n=1,057