SHERIFF ?8 OFFICE Agency: University of Florida Contact Supervisor: Jim Boyer Phone: (352)591-2673 Email Address: - rd 4% INMATE UTILIZING CONTRACT 2019 Listed below are the Rules and Regulations for Marion County Jail Inmate Workers when working outside the jail facility. Inmate workers are to be treated in a manner that does not humiliate or demean them as individuals. Special considerations should always be given towards their personal safety and dignity in the performance of all duties or tasks assigned while at work. They should not be the primary source of labor; they are to be utilized to enhance the labor force already in place, for example: two employees standing idle, watching a single inmate worker struggling to move a ladder by himself, etc. All requested work assignments should be reasonable in nature and should never be physically overbearing or beyond the physical ability of the individual Inmate Worker assigned to perform the work required. Inmate labor (inmate workers) will only be used for projects supporting local, state or federal government, and will not be used for personal bene?t or projects supporting private enterprise. 2. Inmate workers will not be utilized in close proximity to schools or day care facilities while children are present. 3. No telephone calls are to be made or received by the inmate workers. 4. The inmate workers are not allowed visitation from family or friends. 5. No alcoholic beverages and/or outside food are permitted to be given to the inmate workers. 6. Inmate workers are not allowed to smoke or have possession of tobacco products. 7. No Inmate Worker is to be utilized or taken to any other place or job site than previously authorized without permission being obtained from the Inmate Services Unit at the Marion County Jail. . :mm Billy Woods, She?? :wmv up PO Box 1987, Ocala, Florida 34413-1987 Main Of?ce: 352-332-8131 Civil: 352?402-6825 Emergency Management: 352-369-8100 Jail: 352351-8907? 10. 11. 12. 13. ?14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. MARION COUNTY fie OFFICE Inmate workers should have no possession of currency and no monetary remuneration may be made to the inmate worker or the facility for work performed. Inmate Workers are not to converse or have direct contact with the public in any way unless approved through the Inmate Services Unit at the Marion County Jail. Complete uniforms, including shirts, will be worn at all times by the inmate workers and the shirt sleeves cannot be rolled up. If a change in time of pickup or time of return is necessary, the Inmate Services Unit must be contacted in advance. No medication is to be dispensed to the inmate workers. There shall be NO correspondence mailed or received for inmate Workers. The use of Safety Equipment is required according to OSHA standards (Protective Wear while Operation a Weed eater, Blower or Edger, etc.) Hearing Protection and Respiratory Safety Equipment as necessary. It is the responsibility of the agency utilizing inmate labor to provide all safety equipment, training of all safety equipment and to adhere to the OSHA requirements. No Inmate Worker is to operate any hazardous equipment (chainsaw, etc.) or motor vehicles other than riding mowers. During inclement weather such as extreme cold, the inmate workers are not to be assigned to outside work details at temperatures less than 38 degrees Fahrenheit. Inmate workers may be checked out from the jail provided they will be assigned to work within an area at a controlled temperature of 38 degrees or above. In case of life threatening iniury, such as cardiac arrest, profuse bleeding, respiratom im airment etc. dial 9-1-1 and trans ort the inmate worker to MRMC Hos ital. Immediatel thereafter noti the Medical De artment with the Marion Coun Jail at 351- 8077 Ext. 2217 contact the Watch Commander on du at 352 369-5963 and Lieutenant an Nix with the Inmate Services Unit at 352 843?1274. All non-emer enc in'urieslillnesses shall be re orted to the Marion Coun Jail. The res ective a enc will be advised of the required action. The agency must submit a written report of the incident to the Inmate Services Unit at the Marion County Jail. It is the responsibility of the supervisor in charge, or their representative, of the county or municipal agency utilizing inmate worker labor, to conduct necessary checks and provide appropriate supervision and accountability of all assigned inmate labor. Inmate workers shall not be placed in a position of supervision or a position responsible for public safety. - urzman-IIMFW' Billy Woods, Sheriff em? . PO Box 198?, Goals, Florida Main Of?ce: 352 .- .- 3323181 Civil: 3? 402-6025 Emergency Management: 352-369?8100 Jail: 352-351?807? PO Box 1937, Ocala. . Sag, OFFICE 20. Should an inmate worker become incorrigible, unruly or walk off from a work site, an agency representative should immediately contact the local Law Enforcement Agency and the inmates Services Unit at the Marion County Jail. 21. inmate labor will be provided based on availability. Actual numbers may fluctuate throughout the year based on the inmate population. 22. The inmates who make up the labor force are subject to reassignment at any time. Dependence on any one individual is not advised. 23. The Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (P.R.E.A.) is a federal law established to address the elimination and prevention of sexual assault and rape in correctional systems. P.R.E.A. applies to all federal, state, and local prisons and jails. The Marion County Sheriff?s Of?ce is committed to emphasizing a zero tolerance for sexual assault, or sexual harassment of detainees/inmates, either by staff or by other detainees/inmates. it shall also be the policy of the Marion County Sheriff?s Of?ce to pursue criminal action against any detainee/inmate, staff member, contractor, or volunteer found to have committed an assault/harassment against a detainee?nmate. If any detainee/inmate reports any physical, sexual, or verbal abuse, it is required by law to report this immediately to a supervisor and/or to the Watch Commander on duty at (352) 369-5963. 24. it is mandato that each entit re ort to our facili the current welfare of ALL assi ned inmates on a dail basis. Each enti will need to call our recorded hone line at 352 369- 6896 no later than 1:00pm daily. Please provide the foliowinq information on the recorded line: . State the person?s name and entity making the call a State the person?s phone number making the call - State the number of inmates utilized for that particular day a State if the inmate?s welfare is good and if every inmate is accounted for The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the policies that have been established to ensure inmate workers meet the safety standards, regulations and procedures prescribed under the Florida Model Jail Standards, American Correctional Association and the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003. The policies are necessary to maintain order and promote a positive environment for the inmate workers as well as the general public. Anyone supervising Inmate Workers, who may have knowledge of any of these rules being violated, shall report it immediately to the Inmate Services Unit at the Marion County Jail. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding these guidelines, please feel free to call Lieutenant Bryan Nix at (352) 843-1274. ?new a Billy Woods, Sheri?' ?rm mt main Office: 352-732?8181 Civii: 352?402~6025 Emergency Management: 352369-8100 Jail: 352-351-307? gill MARION COUNTY . 5: OFFICE .57 A representative of your agency must review this correspondence and return a signed copy. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Lieutenant Bryan Nix Cell (352) 843-1274 Inmate Services Unit Employee Name (PRINT) Signature Agency Address, City, State, Zip Phone Email Address W?Emergency Contact! Phone 4mg. Billy Woods, Sheri?' Jam li?x1 . am PO Box 198?, Ocala, Fimida?34478-198? Main Of?ce: 352?732-8181 Civil: 352?402-6025 Emergency Management: 352369-8100 Jail: 352-351?807? PO Box 138?, Ocala, Florida?34478.1987 Main Of?ce: 332-732-8181 Civil: 352-402?5025 Emergency i <31 OFFICE i PREA (PRISON RAPE ELIMENATION ACT) A Guide for Contractors, Volunteers and Vendors What is The federal Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) was signed into law September 2003 by President George W. Bush. Its main purpose is to protect the Eight Amendment rights of federal, state and local prisoners and inmates. PREA makes the prevention of sexual abuse and sexual harassment of incarcerated persons a top priority with national standards for the detection, prevention, reduction and punishment of sexual misconduct and sexual abuse in prisons and jails. It also increases accountability for administrators who fail to prevent, reduce and punish such misconduct. What is a violation of PREA and how will the Sheriff?s Of?ce Respond? Sexual contact in any form between staff (contractors, volunteers, and vendors) and inmates is a violation of PREA. This not only applies to inmates in custody, but also to those who may be in transition between custody levels, such as in drug court, under treatment, in transitional housing and/or under Probation, Parole and Post-Prison supervision. It also applies to same sex, as well as opposite sex encounters. There is no such thing as consensual sex between staff and inmates. Sexual abuse and sexual harassment between inmates is also a PREA violation. The Marion County Sheriff?s Office is committed to a ZERO TOLERANCE STANDARD for sexual abuse or sexual harassment of inmates under its authority. The MCSO will aggressively respond, investigate and support prosecution of such misconduct. How does this apply to me as a contractor, volunteer or vendor? As a contractor, volunteer or vendor you are in a position of authority and respect similar to that of a staff member. As such, you can be in violation of PREA and prosecuted for custodial sexual misconduct if you have any kind of sexual contact with an inmate. This is a serious offense that can result in prosecution and punishment as a felony. Such punishment carries a substantial prison sentence. In addition, to maintaining your own high standards of behavior, you also have an obligation to make notification if you think an inmate is being abused by staff, other inmates, volunteers, contractors, vendors or professional visitors. If you fail to report an incident, you may be found to have acted with deliberate indifference toward the victim?s health and/or safety. ?swiwwu'vimwu c- Woods, Shen'?? - m- . Management: 352-389?8100 Jail: 352-351-807? a?l MARION COUNTY ye - OFFICE What do you do if an inmate comes to you as a victim or with information about a victim? Maintain your professionalism. Listen and write down the information, then report it to a Sheriff?s Office staff member. You may be asked to write a statement or speak with an investigator. if you do not feel safe discussing this with the staff on duty, you could contact a supervisor, the volunteer coordinator or the Sheriff. You may also notify the PREA Coordinator at Email if you still do not feel comfortable or safe discussing this with the Marion County Sheriff?s Of?ce, you may contact the State Attorney?s Office which is not under the authority of the Sheriff?s Office at 352-671-5800. In conclusion, thank you for considering serving and assisting at the Marion County Sheriff?s Of?ce. We look forward to working with you as you contribute your time, service and talents in this endeavor. PREA The Marion County Sheriff?s Of?ce has a Zero Tolerance policy for any form of sexual misconduct to include staff/contractor/or volunteer or inmate, or inmate on inmate sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual abuse contact and consensual sex. Any staff member/contractor/volunteer, who engages in, fails to report or knowingly condones sexual harassment or sexual contact with or between inmates shall be subject to disciplinary action and may be subject to criminal prosecution. The Department shall take a proactive approach regarding the prevention, detection, response and punishment of any type of misconduct. Sexual Harassment is de?ned as repeated and unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or verbal comments, gestures, or actions of a derogatory or offensive sexual nature by one inmate directed toward another; or by a staff member/contractor or volunteer to an inmate. This includes, but is not limited to demeaning references to gender, sexually suggestive or derogatory comments about body or clothing, or obscene language or gestures. acknowledge that 1) have not engaged in sexual abuse in a prison, jail, lockup, community con?nement facility, juvenile facility, or other institution of detention or confinement; 2) have not been convicted of engaging or attempting to engage in sexual activity in the community facilitated by force, overt or implied threats of force, or coercion, or if the victim did not consent or was unable to consent or refuse; or 3) have not been civilly or administratively adjudicated to have engaged in the activity as described above. .- :iwmxz Billy Woods, Sheriff ?Mann. 1 3?4 ?0 Box 198?, Dale, Main Of?ce: 352332-8181 Civil: 352-402-6025 Emergency management: 352?359-8100 Jail: 352?351-130? MARION COUNTY OFFICE As a contractor, volunteer or vendor for The Marion County Sheriff?s Office, I acknowledge that I understand the Sheriff?s Zero Tolerance Policy regarding The Prison Rape Elimination Act and that I have received, read and understand the Guide provided to me for contractors, volunteers and vendors. Employee Name I) H?h Signature Phone Number Contact! Phone .mm- Woods, Sheri?? ?m I PO Box 198?, Ocala. Florida?344?8?198? Main Of?ce: 352-?32-8181 Civil: 352-402-6025 Emergency Management: 352-369?8100 Jaii: 352351?807?