nbox From: Date: Subject: Message: admin@inmatemessage.com 10f15f2020 4:44:38 AM Inmate: This message informs you that you have been blocked from communicating with the above-named federal prisoner because the Bureau has determined that such communication is detrimental to the security, good order, or discipline of the facility, or might facilitate criminal activity. The prisoner with whom you were communicating is being informed of this block. You may appeal this block within 15 days of the date of this message by submitting a written request to the Warden of the prison where the prisoner is located. You should include a copy of this notice, an explanation of your appeal request, and any additional documents or information you wish to be considered. Este mensaje le informa de gue ha sido blogueado de comunicarse con los citados presos federales pordue la Agencia de Administraci?n federal de prisiones ha determinado gue dicha comunicaci?n es periudicial para la seguridad, buen orden, la disciplina de la instituci?n, podr?a facilitar actiyidad deiictiya. El recluso con guien usted se ha estado comunicando ser? informado de este bloqueo. Usted puede apelar este bloque dentro de los siguientes 15 d?as de la fecha de este mensaje mediante la presentaci?n de una solicitud por escrito al alcalde de la prisi?n donde el recluso se encuentra. Usted debe incluir una copia de este ayiso, una explicaci?n de su solicitud de apelaci?n, cualquier otro documento informaci?n due usted desea sea considerado. its In order to print a message, you need to have '3 Adobe Acrobat installed. Click to download it for free.