FACT STAT FACT COPY Page mac-no ONCE emu-ran Correctional Sun-tn,- Canada I 13 PERSONAL INIMTIODI ssassmm l'i' STATIC muons A mum. ASSESSMENT UNIT A. 2019/05/01 Assessment Nurber: I IDENTIFICATION SENTENCE MANAGEMENT ?ur- ..0 fanny Nate: 1 Given Nave?): I A Sex: ma: '2 IAN Deportablo: 5'3 Mama: Stain]: Preferred Language: ENGLISH AW: ?0 lice. unquqn ENGLISH NO Need to: translator: my}: 9-way: N0 Alialtes): YES No . 1..- NO CURRENT 80. Type of Offense Tarts Sentence Direczmn Place Sentenced Date I GIC 235 13 1 ?01' STATE) TORONTO. or: sauna beau: nmumn STATIC FACTOR :mual (?screened on: NO Cumin-1 Hxszory: 2 I 38 Offence Sever-.zy: 18 I 71 Sex Offen- muozy: 0 I 28 LEVEL OF INTERVENTION BASED ON STATIC FACTORS: HIGH SEE ic-S?i. 2 STATIC FACTOR ASSESSIEHT GIKINAL HISTORY RECORD 1 I J. One current conviction Scheduled current convictions norm: :tm-tms Ir a 34-year-old fIrut tune offender Hath no prIor hutory currently an Indeterminate sentence for Second Degree Murder. He has no przor offences recorded on [us CPIC. There are no gang attalxatzons or domesnc Vlolence Issues: however there are noted substance abuse and mental health Issues, reported that he has support 1:0: (ugly. OFFENCE SEVERITY RECORD I 1.17: 0 sun: mm Assessm ?bzmxatmow Del.- end In: Lou-d 09 :0 THE 35 EASE A cm mxao FACT STAT STAT FACT IA I unseen. :Irmnc- FPS -- I. 308 HILLHAVEN Assessurut UNIT Current serious offences Homicide Conspire to any of the above One victim Threat of violence to victim Threaten victim with a weapon Violence used against victim Weapons used against victim Caused death to victim Serious injury (wounding. maiming, disfiguring) to victim Minor injury (hitting. slapping, striking) to victim Serious harm to victim Moderate harm to victim Mild harm to victim Sentence.1ength over 24 years Sentence length 10 to 24 years Sentence length 5 to 9 years Sentence length 1 day to 4 years WA r. mam-Jr 3 SEX DEFENCE HISTORY INDICATWIF I 28 0 2.: 1-5 . STATIC FACTORS ASSESSMENT RATING - HIGH is a 34?year-old first time offender with no prior conviction serving an indeterminate sentence for Second Degree Murder that the victim was found deceased in his reSidence4 Investigation subject and three other men conspired to rob the Victim {deceased} The four males attended the victim's reSidence and during a violent confrontation the victim was severely injured (beaten and stabbed multiple times) and Late: succumbed t? his injuries. history currently information noted revealed that the File Overall, although '5 SIR-RI score is +17. which indicates a Low risk given the brutal and violent nature of the index offence then his Level of intervention based on his static factors is assessed as HIGH. STATIC rams isms? C- Tn.- i 3? 2- - 'Yr- 4 ..- Del. and Locked. 2019/05/03 09:10 THE IS BASED on A It-m two