CNP COMMUNICATIONS, CONFIDENTIALITY AND MEDIA POLICY As adopted July 14, 2016 CNP is an educational networking organization of conservative leaders, each of whom represents his or her respective organization or business. While obviously members speak on behalf of their own organizations or businesses, only the CNP president or his or her designee is authorized to speak for CNP. CNP meetings are off the record. To promote free discussion and a lively exchange of ideas, CNP members may not disclose the source of what is said at a meeting, whether by CNP members, invited guests or speakers. All media contacts and inquiries concerning CNP -- its membership, meetings, guests or speakers -- are to be referred to the CNP president or CNP executive director. CNP members should not answer media inquiries about CNP. Only the CNP president or his or her designee is authorized to speak to the media about CNP. This CNP Communications, Confidentiality and Media Policy applies to traditional forms of communication and media; it also applies equally to new communication technologies and social media -- in other words, CNP members may not record, stream, "tweet", or post on Facebook or via other social media forums, any CNP meetings, events, communications or other content. The CNP membership directory and the identity of CNP members are confidential and are not to be disclosed outside the CNP membership. Violation of this policy could result in sanctions, up to and including removal from CNP membership. This policy is not intended to preclude CNP members from disclosing information available on the public portion of the CNP website. Any questions regarding this policy should be directed to the CNP president or his or her designee.