Sharon School Committee Superintendent's Employment Contract The parties hereto, in consideration of the mutual promises conl<1i11cd in this Employment Contract ("Contract"), executed this 81h dm of F<'hn1;1rv, 201 i. agree and hind themselves as follows: I. EMPLOYMENT Tlw Sd1nol Commit l11lJ,· dutJt·s ;ind n·sponsibiliti<'S <>f the Superintendent dS provided hv law urn! hcn·in, ;ind subject tu a sat.isfactorv performance evaluation, the Stq)('ri11tcnd<·111's Crnnpensaiion for Year 2 (.July I, 2018- ,June 30, 201<.11 shull Ix Yc<1r l Cmnpcnsation plus an increase of 2'Y.,. with a l •;.(, incrnisc appli\'d for tl:t' first six months of the vear and an additional 1% mcrcase '~;,_ In each Yciw·;i1io11. The ('\;il11<1tion shall rc!1ect. the five stt~p cycle s<'l out in Principks ul Eff,·ctivc Adrmnistrntive Leadership and Descriptors adopted by the ;ii1d Milss;whttsdts Hoard of 1.;ducation, fi()J CMP J5.00, and anv mlditimwl st11rnl<1rds or golf- Pvaluation in a public session prior to the May Town election of the current school year and shall complete a summative evaluation assessing attainment of the goals against standards using the four DESE rubric ratings. 1\nv f'Valu:llion report delivered by the Committee will be signed by the St1pcrintn1dcnt. Such signature shall not nccessari]\· indicate agreement with the content rhcrcof but rather ;JCknowlcdgc receipt of the document. The Supt-rintnHknt may respond to the evaluation in writing and will deliver such response lo the Chnirpcrson of the CornrnittcT and a copy of the response will bt· ;1tl;iclwd !() llw evaluation and placed in the Supcri11tcudc11t's personnel file Consensus Doc_iJmc;q1 The cv;iluation document shnll consist of one document reflecting the consnisus or rm~jority view of the Committee. The document shall be compiled by I he Committee Chair upon submission to the Chair of each member's inclividu;,il assessment of the Superintendent's pcrfornwncc. Anv individual document of an evaluative rwlurc concerning the Superintendent prepared bv