7777777777 Forwarded message From Madison Russell Date Wed. Jun 24' 2020 at 1'16 PM Subject ALEC lo Electron Roundlable DrScuSSron In Orlando To Mrchael Bowman Cc Mrchael Bowman org> Greetings. Thank you for agreerng to In the ALEC Process Group at years Annual Meetrng We. here at ALEC. belreve that when states come logether to share and learn best practices In electron policy, It promotes safe and convenrent electrons for all We would llke to extend an Invltalron to you for an Electron Roundtable Drscussron at the 2020 Annual Meetrng We hope you roln us for our Electron Roundtable Drscussron at the ALEC Process Group Orlando Flonda on July 16, from 915 AM to 11 55 AM We Will have electron experts and Iegrslators from over 20 states electron polrcy Our goal Is to connect you leaders across the natrorr who care about our lo vole Srnce has states looking at drilerent ways to accommodate voters, rt rs lrrne to evaluate outcomes and see what lessons we have learned We hope you rorn us and your attendance below for our State Legislator Roundtabre We want to hear from you about what works and what We hope you us not only lor the Electron Roundtable Event. but for the rest of the conference as well For logistical questions. please contact Madison Russell at mmssell@alec.org, For policy or programming questions, please give me a call at (202)557-8483. Finally, please keep us up--to-date if your stale is making procedural changes lo your upcoming elections or if your state's election deadlines have changed In order to RSVP to either accept or decline your invitation for the Roundtable Discussion. please reply to this email with a simple Yes or GBP3. Michael D. Bowman President ALEC Action 2900 Drive. Suite 600 Arlington' VA 22202 M: 202 557.8483 UQcoming Meetings: 2020 Annual Meeting July 15-17, 2020 Orlando, Florida 2020 States Nation Policy Summit December 2-4, 2020 Washington, DC