Press Release This statement is in response to the claim that the City of Republic City Council ?defunded? the Republic Police Department. At the beginning of 2020 the Republic Police Department was staffed singly by Chief Culp. To ?ll the gap in staf?ng, the Ferry County Sheriff 5 Department agreed to cover calls for the city. When Mr. Culp started campaigning heavily in the middle of June the Sheriff's department became fully responsible for law enforcement in our city. At this point we approached the Sheriffs department to begin discussions to determine whether it would ?nancially bene?t the city to contract them. In researching the possibility of contracting with the county, we looked to the neighboring City of Tonasket, as they had implemented a similar agreement within recent years. We saw that they had signi?cant cost savings and that they were getting good results in working with their Sheriff?s department. The City of Republic is very small, with approximately 1,000 residents. It is very dif?cult to make a budget balance every year. Within the last few years, the City has seen a signi?cant drop in income due to the local gold mines closing down and the sawmill closing down around 2000. We have experienced and lived through the resulting ?nancial struggles with our neighbors. Any savings are bene?cial in preventing increasing taxes or utility fees for our residents. In closing the Police Department, the savings are estimated to be around $50,000 to $60,000 per year. For a City this size these savings are substantial. In order to maintain infrastructure, complete public health and safety projects, and maintain the equipment these jobs require, we look for every opportunity to save money. We have a huge sewer project that we have been unable to begin due to lack of funds, and there are many other projects we would like to see completed, or even started. The City Council was assured time and again that Mr. Culp was abreast of the possibility that the Police Department may be closed throughout the year. This had even been suggested during the 2020 budget planning meetings, held in late 2019, which are open to the public and every City employee. With Mr. Culp on the campaign trail this fall, the Ferry County Sheriff's Department has ?lled in with exceptional results. During this time, two contracts were developed. The ?rst contract was for the second half of 2020; the second contract is for 2021-2022. After much back and forth between the City and County, the contracts were ?nalized by the City attorney one week before it was approved by City CITY OF REPUBLIC 987 s. CLARK AVE PO. BOX 331 REPUBLIC, WA 99166 PHONE: 509-775-3216 FAX: 509-775-2571 Council. It was necessary for this to be finished in order for us to continue budgeting for the coming year. Because the Ferry County Sheriff?s Department is located in City limits, there will be an increased police presence in town. The signing of these contracts will allow the Sheriff?s Department to hire an additional deputy to assist in the increased coverage area. It is our understanding that the Sheriff will be offering Chief Culp a position as a deputy, if he wants it. It is the hope of the City Council that this clears up any misinformation that may be circulating. We struggled in making this decision and it was not made We came to this only after much consideration and forethought, and to do what we were elected to do: make the tough choices for our citizens. Sincerely your City of Republic Council Members, Loni Simone, April Drennan, Council Position #1 Council Position #2 Rachel Siracuse, Marty Rugo, Council Position #3 Council Position #4 Jim Burnside Council Position #5 CITY OF REPUBLIC 987 s. CLARK AVE P.O. BOX 331 REPUBLIC, WA 99166 PHONE: 509-775-3216 FAX: 509775-2571