TigerSwan Solutions to Uncertainty" Remit to (checks.or see below for wiring info): TigerSwan Invoice it: 3223 3467 Apex Peakway Invoice Date: 12/31/2017 Apex, NC 27502 AFE Number: 480000000006 (919) 439-7110 Agreement Number: PSA-480-2016-25559 Tasking Letter No.: 48000000000623-46019 BILL TO: DAKOTA ACCESS LLC Terms: NET 30 1300 MAIN STREET HOUSTON TX 77002 PERIOD ENDING: Description Dakota Access 30" Pipeline Project LABOR .. -4. GUARD TOTAL Summary Attached 5 TRAVEL Summary and Receipts attached - Cost Plus 5% 1 15,291.94 15,291.94 ODCs (Other om: com) Summary and Receipts attached - Cost Pius 5% 1 10,154.25 10,154.25 Subtotal 25,446.18 FOR PAYMENTS: Bene?dary: nee-man25,446.18 Bene?'ciarya'ank: wells Fargo Bank Bank'AddreSsi Po aqx'ssaas? PREVIOUSLY INVOICED 17.577.206.21 THIS INVOICE 25,446.18 TOTAL INVOICED TO DATE 5 17.602.652.39 NOT To EXCEED CONTRACT PRICE 17,627,743.11 IF THERE ARE QUESTIONS CONCERNING THIS INVOICE PLEASE CONTACT PERCENTAGE BILLED To DATE 99.86% Exhibit 8 000002