Exhibit 3 000005 e. :22 a ii?; ii. i f. it. i S?s? "Emit;- 551i?! Situation - Belligerents: Native American activists, anti-establishment radicais, independent press, protestor inteliigence cells, camp security. Sacred stone, being the leadership and information nexus of the Standing Rock movement will be expected to have tighter security procedures, entry control, and operational security. it is the second most inclusive encampment, with a very strong cuit-iike atmosphere, marginalizing any resident that does not conform to the wishes of the elder council. This has proven to be violent in the past weeks. A woman resident had her wooden shack burned down because she failed to eating in the community fire area with the rest of the residents and was thought to be sending "bad energy?. This was most likeiy a chance to use a resident as an example to others on camp to obey the culture of forced community. Weather: Temperatures wili continue to iower in te coming week, which may become a factor for camping in the open on sacred stone enca mpmentPurim? m3 TiILi11/1f3 Fri 11/11 11/13.. Faun 11/19 It} (.3 '5 5:to; ?if. i :3 fr?! 1 - (Slum-4a Lly ?13:)qu (31er r? 1' My (1?)qu (Sic-3r (Lira-air IfRisk ff ?3 midi;- R, ?$ka Ms? *Nw?w #313? 1? 711,9 ?f ~5me ?mm mew?ww? km. ?Wm "mewm 5a, C'h carxcc- of Prcci (fa/o; Chance Shaw - in 3 . aac?ac . ., T?f?menawwax Ai- ?an a; an.? ?Ward? "ii-if gum-?Exhibit 3 000006 32,22,253 222323323322? $3323 33* 3:3 3 3.13 .3 3 33? 3323532, 2232333342? .3-2-12333222322225;22212-23 3332.33 22222323.: 3J3J ?232? #22222 2 2 2.322122: 22:23 32 3: 2222322223 2* 33:: Joel iV?lc Co liough here by re erred- to as (FEB) WHAT: Will travel to Standing Rock with one to three lowa based protesters to gather information WHEN: November 6-9 WHERE: Will infiltrate one of the Standing Rock camps (thought to be Sacred Stone Camp if they can gain access); will camp at the site or maintain a hotel room, or both. 33% mart i321 t22 ass; Est tle 222:3 Dakota Fear on Cett and to gather 2222? inert at tor gout rerstatc a $2222 23:: (ii-?esters to better ned rsta nd towa based 2:22 rotester movement. Also, this action will further buoy Joel a?des withiz the low'a move ment tor future operations. Exhibit 3 000007 2:22: 2 2.22.2 ?32.2% 2?22: :2 2:22-72:22 22:52 2 222-22 .. Concept of the Operation I'his operation will be conducted in 5 phases. We are currently in PHASE I Preparation). This phase will end when RB departs Des Moines, IA. The following )hases will be: 7 PHASE II (Infiltration) this phase will end when RB gains access to one of the camps. 2 22' 222': 2?7? 222722" 22 '2 2: 2.2 '22: 2?22?: 72 22222227,? 22.1.2": 22712242 2' 2- 221:2': 27:2:2 232:2; 2:2 ?2.2 2222 222222 2323222232 2.32.} 22:22:22 22%?22232232 22:22-2 2 22 :22- .2222 {22222: 322,27: 7'225'23 2:222.222. r'7 2.2. a 1" 1? {a I ??32 ?27??2 2" 2'77 .2: 22% 4W1. ire-22.3% 22222-22 ?n 2 2. 2,2? 4'22 23:2 .222?. 2? ?1 2-: 22-. 3: 2: - 42 :22?222i 22 22" 2 '72? i 5 225212223.222.: 232.232 2?2212.2.2; 522.212.32 3 17 7.7 22327? 37222:, 52:23 2 I 2.22 2.2.2 -2.- hw: 2.3 ?22: 222.22 '7-2-2 32.32 2 a if?w' 2 5' 2.: 322:7"; 2 2. Eu 3-22.22 2.22 3- .1 $2,222? :2 $2 5 . was? 22222 2 ?1 f' 22w 5 2? 2.22%; 5/22? 3'2 2 . 22-22.2.2 2 32 2 22.2222 3 13. New 22.2 .2. '2 ..222~32? W7 5,27%: 4- 21" ??27 am? 22-2; j? .2 2; 27> 2A2: 322?": my 22'? 2327-?; 7.7 it": 522-3? 2 i 7 3. Igmuf 27-22mg 3? 2 ,2 2?32 .. a 3,2 3 g?2 2.. 22;. . .2 2.21 2 iags-g?i :3 2 a: $22?22 5' 3 22 3- 7 PHASE (Observe and Report) this phase will end when RB departs camp enroute to Des Moines or when RB decides to exfil for any reason. PHASE lV (Exfiltration) this phase will end when RB returns to his accomodatior in Des Moines, IA or is under control of ND Fusion Cell. PHASE (Post Mission) this phase will end when RB produces all applicable after action products in cooperation with the IA Fusion Cell. Exhibit 3 000008 eh; rut-.5 445$ V. ?ikzix hhnneapohs . v: . C?l?y? 0 Chat.? a R?s" 1 fuz? 3 30 min 9:15:15?- i uric "lump my :azi?r?i?d?k 9531",? f' Exhibit 3 000009 . .. .- . . . ?snubtil'A pd) Communications Plan Commo Plan: - P: What's App - A: Regular Text Phone Call CI email to 0r - E: Guardian Angel 911 No Comms plan: - Joel must make voice comms or text comms at least once a day to confirm his identity with Support team. If comms have not been made with Joel within a 24 hour period we will begin investigation (in cooperation with ND Cell) into the last location indicated by Guardian Angel. At that point ND Fusion cell will have authority to notify LE if deemed necessary. Exhibit 3 000010 tz?? REPORT Communications Plan (cont) What?s App Channel: - Joel (lA HUMINT) Logan (ND *Contact will be initiated by Joel unless urgent RB: ?Don't forget Sully?s Med?s" RB: Report an imminent violent act with as much detail as possible in the open. Example: ?Shit's about to get real at (X location)!" Support: think Sully's Sick. Need to talk to you." Exhibit 3 000011 Daily Check-In lAll OK Imminent violent act Support needs R8 to contact ASAP when in a secure location (P: voice A: text) IS PROPRETFARY DC: NEW i'fliz?TSi?kE GP '3 lif?fi??l "Piaf-"5? RESPONSE Any ?Civilian" Acknowledgement; No military syntax Any ?Civilian? Acknowledgement; No military syntax ?Take him to the vet if you need to. I'll pay you back" I RH, .??fl?ii 5:3 [Ti ?533 {315.7% Mi} Exhibit 3 000012 Exhibit 3 000013 Exhibit 3 000014