中国疾控中心处(室)便函 科技处便函〔2020〕16 号 关于加强新型冠状病毒肺炎应急响应期间有关 科技管理的补充规定 中心直属各单位,机关各处室: 为进一步加强我中心新型冠状病毒肺炎应急响应期间科研管理, 根据上级有关文件精神,特制定《加强新型冠状病毒肺炎应急响应期间 有关科技管理的补充规定》,请各单位和各处室负责人务必高度重视, 层层传迖,必须通知到每个人。如有违反有关规定者,将追究单位和违 规者的责任。 附件: 加强新型冠状病毒肺炎应急响应期间有关科技管理的补充规 定 中国疾控中心科技处 2020 年 2 月 25 日 抄送: 高福、李新华、刘剑君、冯子健。 附件 加强新型冠状病毒肺炎应急响应期间有关科技 管理的补充规定 根据《国家卫生健康委办公厅关于在重大突发传染病防控工作中 加强生物样本资源及相关科研活动管理工作的通知》(国卫办科教函 〔2020〕3 号)、《科技部办公厅关于加强新型冠状病毒肺炎科技攻关 项目管理有关事项的通知》等文件精神,为有力抗击新型冠状病毒肺炎 (简称“新冠肺炎”)疫情,严格规范科研管理,进一步加强科研管理制 度的落实,现对《加强新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎应急响应期间有关科技 管理规定》(中疾控科技便函〔2020〕128 号)制定本补充规定。 一、坚持国家和人民利益至上,以做好新冠肺炎疫情防控为首要 任务。疫情应急响应期间,要集中优势力量,分清轻重缓急,将主要精 力放在疫情防控中,把论文“写在祖国大地上”,把研究成果应用到战 胜疫情中,在疫情防控任务完成之前不应将精力放在论文发表上。 二、开展新冠肺炎疫情相关科研项目,必须经科技组/科技处进行 初审,根据研究内容组织专家进行科学论证和伦理审查,必要时提请应 急领导小组或国家卫生健康委科教司审批。上级委托的科研项目必须经 科技组/科技处请示应急领导小组审定并备案。 三、任何人不能以个人或研究团队名义擅自向其他机构和个人提 供新冠肺炎疫情相关信息,包括数据、生物标本、病原体、培养物等。 四、在发表与新冠肺炎疫情相关的论文和成果前,必须先报科技 组/科技处初审,必要时提请应急领导小组或国家卫生健康委科教司审 批。 未经科技组/科技处审核的已投稿的论文,尽快撤稿并执行本规 定。 五、科研项目进展报告原则上按月报科技组/科技处,或根据上级 要求的时限进行报告。 六、要严格遵循医学伦理、科研诚信和学风建设等相关规定。 七、有违反上述规定者,依纪依法依规进行严肃处理。 八、本规定发布之日执行,由科技组/科技处解释。 中国疾控中心科技处 2020 年 2 月 25 日 Memo to the Offices of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention Memo (2020) No. 16 of the Science and Technology Department On the Supplementary Regulations on Strengthening the Management of Science and Technology During the Emergency Response to the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia All units and offices directly under the center: In order to further strengthen scientific research management in our center during the emergency response to the novel coronavirus pneumonia, and in accordance with the spirit of relevant documents issued by the higher authorities, the "Supplementary Regulations on Strengthening the Management of Science and Technology During the Emergency Response to the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia" has been formulated. Every unit and office, please attach great importance to it and spread it through all levels - everyone must be notified. In case of any violation of relevant regulations, the offender and their unit will be held accountable. Attachment: Supplementary Regulations on Strengthening the Management of Science and Technology During the Emergency Response to the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention February 25, 2020 CC: Gao Fu, Li Xinhua, Liu Jianjun, Feng Zijian. Annex Supplementary Regulations on Strengthening the Management of Science and Technology During the Emergency Response to the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia According to the spirit of the “Notice of the General Office of the National Health Commission on Strengthening the Management of Biological Sample Resources and Related Scientific Research Activities during the Prevention and Control of Major Infectious Diseases” (National Health Commission Science and Technology Memo [2020] No. 3), the "Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Science and Technology on Strengthening the Management of New Coronavirus Pneumonia Science and Technology Research Projects" and other documents, and in order to effectively combat the new coronavirus pneumonia ("COVID-19") epidemic, to strictly standardize scientific research management, and to further strengthen the implementation of scientific research management systems, these supplementary “Regulations on Strengthening the Management of Science and Technology During the Emergency Response to the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia" (Chinese Center for Disease Control Science and Technology Memo [2020] No. 128) have been formulated. 1. Prioritize the interests of the country and the people and take the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic as the primary task. During the emergency response against the epidemic, we must concentrate our forces, distinguish our priorities, focus our main energies on controlling the epidemic, write papers “on the land of the motherland", apply research results to the fight against the epidemic, and not focus on publishing papers until the epidemic is under control. 2. The launch of scientific research projects related to the COVID-19 epidemic must undergo preliminary review by the Science and Technology Group/Department. According to the research subject, experts should be organized to conduct scientific and ethical reviews, and, if necessary, the project must be submitted to the emergency leading group or the Department of Science and Education of the National Health Commission for approval. The research projects authorized by higher authorities must be examined and approved by the emergency leading group via the Science and Technology Group/Department and be kept on record. 3. No one can, under their own name or in the name of their research team, provide other institutions and individuals with information related to the COVID-19 epidemic on their own, including data, biological specimens, pathogens, culture, etc. 4. Before publishing papers and research results related to the COVID-19 epidemic, you must first report them to the Science and Technology Group/Department for preliminary review, and if necessary, submit it to the Emergency Leading Group or the Department of Science and Education of the National Health Commission for approval. Papers that have been submitted but not yet reviewed by the Science and Technology Group/Department should be withdrawn as soon as possible and redone according to these regulations. 5. In principle, progress reports on scientific research projects should be reported to the Science and Technology Group/Department on a monthly basis, or according to the time period stipulated by higher authorities. 6. Strictly follow relevant regulations on medical ethics, scientific research integrity and academic spirit. 7. Anyone who violates the above regulations shall be dealt with severely in accordance with discipline, laws and regulations. 8. The date of the implementation of this regulation will be explained by the Science and Technology Group/Department. Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention February 25, 2020