国务院应对新型冠状病毒肺炎 疫情联防联控机制科研攻关组 关于规范新冠肺炎科研攻关成果 信息发布管理的通知 国务院应对新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情联防联控机制科研攻关组成员单位 办公厅(室),有关单位: 为深入贯彻国务院应对新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情联防联控机制(以 下简称国务院联防联控机制)会议的有关要求,切实规范科研攻关成 果信息发布管理,现就有关事项通知如下. ―、全面加强科研攻关成果信息发布管理 按照“依法依规、科学客观、归口管理、精准发布”的原则, 把新冠肺炎治疗药物、疫苗、病毒溯源、病毒传播途径、检测试剂等 各类疫情防控科研成果信息的发布工作,纳入国务院应对新型冠状病 毒肺炎疫情联防联控机制科研攻关组(以下简称科研攻关组)的统一部 署。科研攻关组统筹协调科研应急攻关成果信息发布,指导、协调各 地各单位科研成果信息发布. 二、建立规范的科研攻关成果信息发布机制 科研攻关组各成员单位及时汇总本单位、本系统科研攻关成果 信息,就发布内容,发布形式逬行审核把关,并及时报科研攻关组批 准。科研攻关组按业务归口组织各专班负责对发布内容、发布形式提 出专业性审核意见,必要时组织专家论证。科研攻关组同意后,发布 单位应根据工作需要选择新闻发布会、官方网站、政务新媒体、新闻 媒体等平台发布,并通报国务院联防联控机制宣传组、科研攻关组. 原则上,新冠肺炎科研成果信息首发采用官方权威发布形式。舆论专 班加强与宣传组沟通,结合舆情动态和社会关切,强化对科研成果信 息发布的指导. 三、严格要求各科研单位做好科研成果信息发布 联防联控机制科研攻关组各成员单位要按照归口管理原则,严 格本单位本系统相关科研成果信息的发布审批程序,加强对本单位本 系统归口管理的高等院校、研究机构、企业的管理,将本通知要求传 达至从事新冠肺炎研究的各相关单位。各成果信息发布单位是发布内 容的第一责任人,要综合考虑实际工作进展、疫情防治态势、社会关 切问题、预期发布成效等方面,精准确定发布内容,合理引导社会预 期。各高等院校、研究机构、医疗机构、企业及其人员在疫情防控期 间,未经审批不得擅自发布疫情防控相关科研成果信息。在中华医学 会平台交流的论文仍按原备案机制办理. 四、加强科研攻关成果信息发布工作统筹 疫情防控期间,各地各单位要认真贯彻落实习近平总书记关于疫情 防控工作的一系列重要指示精神,进一步强化大局意识、责任意识,加强 审核把关,主动沟通协调,形成新冠肺炎科研成果信息发布全国“一盘 棋”格局。重要敏感科研成果信息要反复核实,把握不准的要及时按程序 向科研攻关组及相关部门请示。 五、强化监督问责 对未按规定程序报批,发布未经证实的虚假科研成果信息,造成严 重不良社会影响的,要追究责任。 联系人: 赵 婧,………….、……………….. 吴运高,………….、……………….. 传真: …………..,联系邮箱: ……………… 国务院应对新型冠状病毒肺炎 疫情联防联控机制科研攻关组 (代章) 2020 年 3 月 3 日 (此件不公开) 抄送:国务院联防联控机制宣传组. 科学技术部办公厅 2020 年 3 月 3 日印发 Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council in Response to the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Scientific Research Group Notice on the Standardization of the Management of Publication of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Scientific Research To the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council in Response to the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia member work units and offices, and other relevant work units: In order to thoroughly implement relevant requirements from the meeting of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council in Response to the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (hereinafter referred to as the "Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council"), and to effectively standardize the management of the publication of scientific research, the following is issued below. 1. Comprehensively strengthen the management of publication of scientific research In accordance with the principles of “following laws and regulations, being scientific and objective, centralized management, and precise publications”, all publication work on epidemic prevention research and information related to COVID-19, including medication, vaccines, virus origins, virus transmission routes, testing reagents, etc. will be taken over by the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council’s scientific research group (hereinafter referred to as “the scientific research group”) for coordinated deployment. The scientific research group will coordinate the publication of information on emergency scientific research, and guide and coordinate the publication of information on scientific research by all work units in all locations. 2. Establish a standardized publication mechanism for scientific research Each member work unit of the scientific research team will gather scientific research information within their own unit and systems, review and check the content and form of its publication, and report it to the scientific research team for approval in a timely manner. The scientific research group’s dedicated teams of professionals and various experts are responsible for reviewing the publication’s content and format and giving expert opinions, and when necessary, arranging expert assessment. After the scientific research group approves, the publishing work unit should, according to work requirements, arrange publication via press conferences, official websites, state social media, news media and other platforms, and notify the propaganda and scientific research teams of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council. In principle, COVID-19 scientific research should be published first in the form of an official authoritative publication. The special group on public opinion should strengthen communication with the propaganda team, take into account the trend of public opinion and social concerns, and strengthen guidance of the publication of scientific research and information. 3. Strictly require all scientific research units to do a good job on the publication of scientific research The member work units of the scientific research team of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism shall follow the principle of centralized management, strictly enforce their own system’s publication approval procedures for relevant scientific research, strengthen the management of universities, research institutions, and enterprises under the centralized management of their work unit systems, and communicate the requirements of this notice to all relevant units engaged in research on COVID-19. The publishing work unit is the one primarily responsible for the research content they publish, and they must consider, in a comprehensive manner, the research progress, the epidemic prevention and control situation, societal concerns, the consequences of publication, and various other issues. They must ensure the accuracy of the published content and guide societal expectations in a reasonable manner. During the period of epidemic prevention and control, all universities, research institutions, medical institutions, enterprises and their staff shall not publish information on scientific research related to epidemic prevention and control without approval. Papers exchanged on the Chinese Medical Association communication platform will still be processed according to the original filing mechanism. 4. Strengthen coordination of the publication of scientific research information During the epidemic prevention and control period, all localities and units must conscientiously implement the spirit of a series of important instructions on epidemic prevention and control by General Secretary Xi Jinping, further strengthen overall awareness and sense of responsibility, strengthen reviews and checks, and actively communicate and coordinate the publication of scientific research on COVID-19 in a pattern like “moves in a game of chess” across the country. Important and sensitive scientific research results must be repeatedly reviewed and checked, and if they are not certain, procedures should be followed to request instructions from the scientific research team and related departments in a timely manner. 5. Strengthen supervision and accountability. Those who fail to apply for approval in accordance with the prescribed procedures and publish unconfirmed false information on scientific research, thereby causing serious adverse social impacts, shall be held accountable. Contact: Zhao Qing, …………, ……………… Wu Yungao, …………, ……………… Fax: ……………, Contact email: ……………….. The State Council Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism Scientific Research Task Force (Representative Stamp) March 3, 2020 (This document is not public) Copy: Publicity Group of the State Council Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism General Office of the Ministry of Science and Technology Issued on March 3, 2020